For intended parents, the task of finding the right center among many surrogacy agencies hasn’t been a picnic. No one will forget a prominent story albeit a disheartening one that made headlines nearly four years ago.
For intended parents,

the task of finding the right center among many surrogacy agencies hasn’t been a picnic.
No one will forget a prominent story albeit a disheartening one that made headlines nearly four years ago.
A California-based surrogacy agency shut its offices unexpectedly ditching many intended families who had paid their hard earned money with eager hopes to possess their own babies.
The clients’ were horrified when the company informed them via an email that they were sunk financially. The status of the escrow company that was safeguarding clients’ money was no better.
The above story is a pertinent lesson for intended parents. It reminds them to do some hard home work before choosing the right center from among many surrogacy agencies in the market.
However, for childless couples, finding the right agency has always been a confusing journey. With so many agencies in the market, choosing the right one is an overwhelming task.
To start with trust is the cornerstone, therefore, intending parents must make an informed decision.
If you are an intending couple, here are some important questions you must ask before going ahead with a surrogacy center.
How long the center has been in business?
There are no barriers to entities wishing to launch a surrogacy center. Quite a few of them set up websites only to vanish in good time. Do not trust any center that does not have a reliable track record of success.
Ask them for the number of clients they have assisted.
Does the center screen their surrogates thoroughly before matching them with clients?
The centers must mandatorily screen all surrogates pathologically and psychologically before introducing them to potential parents. Typically, only about 10 percent surrogate applicants pass a strict screening test.
If the intending couple desires a gestational surrogate, the surrogate will need to undergo a thorough medical evaluation.
Admittedly, any unsuitable surrogate joining a surrogacy program will present a huge risk to you.
Has the center been sued by clients before?
If the surrogacy center is mired in litigation, it may indicate the center is involved in questionable practices. So, be cautious and ensure that either the surrogates or the clients were not involved in legal disputes.
Does the center work in states where surrogacy is not legal?
In such states where the surrogacy climate is uncertain, intended parents face immense difficulty in getting favorable parentage judgments or in naming the child.
What kind of after support do these centers provide?
Good surrogacy agencies provide therapists for intending parents and surrogates or provide support groups. Some centers even have online support networks.
Choosing a commercial surrogate does cost money. Yet, it is the only option for intending parents. Creating a family through surrogacy will relieve the couple of risks and burdens related to repeated abortions.
Fortunately, today, intending patients can choose a reliable surrogacy center where they can experience exceptional surrogacy experience.
Northwest Surrogacy Center, LLC is among the leading surrogacy agencies in the Pacific Northwest. The experienced professional staff in the center has been helping many a gestational surrogate find intended families and childless couples create families for over two decades