Lose Pregnancy Weight with Little Effort
Women gain an average of 25-40 pounds during pregnancies. But losing that extra weight in the postpartum period can be difficult, especially for busy moms who don't have time to work out. But a new study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that three simple choices can help shed those unwanted pounds.
How much weight is appropriate to gain during a pregnancy? If you are a somewhat healthy woman during your pregnancy,

you can expect to gain 2 to 5 pounds in your first trimester and about 1 pound for every week following. Women gain an average of 25-40 pounds during pregnancies. But losing that extra weight in the postpartum period can be difficult, especially for busy moms who don't have time to work out. But a new study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that three simple choices can help shed those unwanted pounds. The study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School followed more than 900 women who had babies in the 6 months prior. They interviewed each woman about her exercise habits, dietary intake, television time, and weight. Then overall weights one year after delivery were used as a final outcome. They found that women who watched less than 2 hours of TV a day and walked just 30 minutes a day were less likely to have extra weight after a year. The reduction was by more than 75 percent. It was promising to observe that women did not need to be out at the gym 6 days a week working out strenuously for more than an hour to have adequate weight loss. They could be active mothers, accomplishing daily tasks, with a quick 30 minute walk thrown into the mix. Take this time to push your baby around in a stroller and get some fresh air for both of you. This news should encourage all women, once able, to get up, take a stroll around the neighborhood with the baby. It may be the easiest activity they do all day. Also, turn off the TV. The study also found that limiting the intake of trans fats, such as those in most snacks and processed foods, improves weight loss at one year. So following a few simple daily life modifications, you can lose the unwanted weight gained from your pregnancy. Its very motivating to know that women don’t need a gym membership and 8 hours a week of intense exercise to lose weight. It just takes a few simple modifications to your daily habits and getting in a routine that works with your new schedule and your new baby. Here is a quick summary of what was discussed: Limit the amount of time you watch TV to less than 2 hours per day, go on a brisk 30 minute walk everyday (this will be a good chance to get your baby some fresh air in a stroller), and avoid snacks and processed foods. An easy way to start avoiding snacking is to get a healthy weight loss shake (avoid high sugar, low protein shakes) that has at least 15g of protein per serving. You can also drink more water when you get hungry, this often curbs the urge to snack. Follow these tips and you should be back on your way to a slimmer and healthier body.