New Discovery for Knee Pain Relief – Using Pilates as Non Evasive Way to Fix Knee Pain
The article discusses the factors that cause knee pain and how Pilates provide knee pain relief. Pilates is recommended by many medical practitioners and therapists in treating knee-related injuries such as torn meniscus and ACL.
Knee Pain is one of the most common kinds of pain,

experienced by most people. In order to have the right treatment, a careful diagnosis must be initiated to determine where the problem is.
Causes of Knee PainA number of factors contribute to pain in the knees. It could be a trauma suffered during sports, a pain that comes and goes and eventually became chronic. Poor alignment or form is another very common reason that could easily lead to muscle imbalances. Improper walking or running gait creates stress and tension or overuse injuries like runner's knee, a result of continuous long distance running over time.
What Happens During Knee Pain?Knee pain can be identified particularly by patello-femoral syndrome or pain experienced around the kneecap or patella. Bad positioning and sudden movements by the kneecap can lead to pain in the thigh bone during knee flexion or extension. This particular movement may lead to injury in the cartilage and tissues that surrounds and hold the kneecap.It is not unusual that the patella is sitting in groove and facing forward between the condoyle of the thigh bone. During a patello-femoral condition, the knee cap is pulled side way from the normal groove, causing tension over the thigh bone and supporting structures, resulting in pain.When the knee cap is pulled too far, it may lead to dislocation. Problems in the positioning and abnormal movements of the knee cap are usually caused by genetically determined leg structural alignment and imbalances in muscle development.
Pilates Remedy To Knee Pain ReliefPilates knee pain relief exercises is highly recommended by medical doctors and physical therapists in treating various knee-related injuries including torn meniscus and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), a common injury for athletes. Specific knee pilates exercises teaches you how to align your knee during gait, when seated, running or standing. It improves the knee's range of motion, leading to improve flexibility, balance, and strength in the knees. These exercise routines allows for a gradual improvement over time, challenging the knee from its de-conditioned position to a stronger joint that is confident of being able to handle load with good form and posture.
Pilates Knee Pain ExercisesCheck out the following Pilates Knee Pain Exercises. You can also check out our Pilates Knee Pain Exercises Videos1. Knee Cap Pull- On a mat with the both legs extended.- Slowly, draw up one knee cap.- Do this without pressing the back of leg into the floor.- Feel the muscles hug the knee joint.- Tighten the muscles around the knee cap slowly.- Do each side for 8-10 times- Repeat the other leg- Finally, repeat with both legs together2. Leg Lift (Point & Flex)- Do as above.- Draw up knee cap and tighten the muscles around the knee joint- Keep the muscles engaged and pull toes towards knee- Back of heel should be lifted up at this point- Pull toes towards knee and point away slowly. Flex and point toes.- Do these, without dropping back of heel into the floor.- Keep back of knees softly floating with some space.- Do not flatten knees all the way back.- Do each side for 8-10 times- Repeat the other leg- Finally, repeat with both legs together3. Leg Lift (Ankle Circle)- As above- Keep knees engaged, thighs working- Keep breath free, breathing in and out- Circle ankle without moving knee cap- If knee cap starts to move, slow down the movement- Re-engage the thighs before starting ankle circle again- Circle clock wise 5 times- Repeat anti-clockwise- Repeat the other leg- Finally, repeat with both legs together