What is Cortisol ? It is a stressed hormone that when produced in excessive amounts causes leptin resistance, slows metabolism, muscle loss, fat accumulation and will make you gain weight.. Excess weight will tell your adrenal glands to produce even more cortisol.
Excess cortisol resists leptin and insulin. Overweight people with round face,
belly fats and high blood pressure have elevated cortisol levels. Those with Type 2 diabetes have to be very careful with their diet. Too much fat produces hormonal imbalance, leptin resistance and cortisol resistance.
Some symptoms of excess cortisol are:
Stress can also increase your cortisol and in return your weight. Work stress, family stress, poor health, depression and anxiety are some of the causes. Cushing’s Syndrome is a term given to a serious form of excess cortisol.It is a condition of eating and eating not enough. You may have seen in the news of people suffering from this – weighing more than 400kgs and lying immobilised on bed.
A simple classification of weight by BMI :
Less than 18.5 Underweight
18.5-25 Normal
25-30 Overweight
30-35 Class 1 Obesity
35-40 Class 2 Obesity
Above 40 Class 3 Obesity
Above 60 Super-Obesity
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