Opinions Vary On Solving The U.S. Healthcare Crisis
Compared to other countries, healthcare in the United States is considered to be top notch but with all its accolades, not everyone in this country has access to medical care. Recently the U.S. government passed the Healthcare Reform Bill to allow all citizens the right to receive health care equally.
Compared to other countries,

healthcare in the United States is considered to be top notch but with all its accolades, not everyone in this country has access to medical care. Recently the U.S. government passed the Healthcare Reform Bill to allow all citizens the right to receive health care equally. However, not everyone is eager to embrace this new bill because they don't want to be financially responsible for those who can't afford it.
Individuals currently without medical insurance are hopeful and encouraged with the passing of this bill. Those who currently do not qualify because of pre-conditions or those who cannot afford the healthcare premiums are looking to this bill to solve those problems. The concern another group of people have are those who realize having everyone on a healthcare system is a costly proposition and that where the major concern for them lie.
Those who are worried about the plan and how it will affect not only their ability to get doctor's appointments and be seen in hospital emergency rooms but also how much they are the wealthier American's are going to be forced to pick up the slack for all those who are unable to pay health insurance premiums. They are concerned, and rightly so, that the sole support of the proposed health care plan will rest firmly upon their shoulders.
Implementing this new healthcare program will be expensive but other ways to minimize cost will have to be investigated. Scrutiny will be given to overcharges by the medical facilities as well as the insurance companies. Getting charges five dollars for a band aid in the hospital is highway robbery. Medical malpractice and treatment costs should be reviewed as well. All areas of healthcare need to be more conscious of what's going on and how some procedures can be streamlined. Costs need to come down.
Over the next year, the healthcare plan will be under review to see if it solves a majority of problems or just promotes several new ones. Everyone is hoping that the government will not be implementing a system that benefit less people but cost a lot to many individuals.