Plastic Surgeons and What You Should Look For

Jan 18


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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There are plastic surgeons everywhere, and finding one can be as easy as picking the first name in the phone book. However, doing so does not guarantee a quality doctor. Here are some things you should be looking for as you conduct your search.

There are plastic surgeons in every city in America and finding one can be as easy as looking in the phone book. However,Plastic Surgeons and What You Should Look For Articles doing so provides no quality control. They say that even the guy who finished last in his class still earned an M.D., and so it is. Do you want that last-place finisher performing your breast augmentation? It pays to do a little research before you choose someone to do what can be a very delicate and risky procedure. The complications and risks that go along with cosmetic surgery are rare, but they are still there. The chances of running into them are only increased by going with a doctor who simply isn't very good at his job. Here are some things you should be looking for as you conduct your search.


You won't find many plastic surgeons without a medical degree, but there is more to an educational background than whether or not a doctor graduated. What school did they attend? What certifications and accreditations have they received after graduation? These things can tell you a lot about how respected this doctor is in their field. Are they certified with the American Board of Plastic Surgery? These are important considerations when looking for a doctor. It may surprise you to know that any surgeon who wishes to start performing nose jobs or tummy tucks can do so legally without any additional education. Make sure you find someone with the appropriate education and experience.


Pictures don't lie, do don't choose a doctor until you see some examples of their work. Cosmetic surgery requires a little artistry for pleasing results. Aesthetic considerations are an important part of the job. A doctor can have all the skills necessary to do a rhinoplasty procedure, but that doesn't account for having an eye for what looks good. Unfortunately, there's no way to judge a person's aesthetic eye without seeing some examples of their work. If your doctor has no pictures to show you, you're walking blind into the procedure. Insist on seeing photographs. If they have none to display, consider going elsewhere.

Multiple Consultations

Don't feel as though you're locked in to a doctor just because you made an appointment for a consultation. This is what consultations are for. Use them to determine whether or not the doctor is right for you. Make several with different plastic surgeons and don't stop until you find someone you're comfortable with.
