Plastic Surgery Candidacy
If you're interested in some form of plastic surgery, it's important that you check to see if you are fit for it. You can talk to a doctor to find out. Read this article to find out more about this type of surgery.
Plastic surgery is well known for its cosmetic elective procedures,
although reconstructive operations are considered part of the surgical category. It is the elective nature of these surgeries, though, that make candidates mistakenly disregard the seriousness of the operations. If you are considering such an elective procedure make sure that you have a solid personal desire for the operations, have realistic expectations, study your health risks, and take recovery seriously.
Though a good plastic surgeon will include a vague psychological analysis on each prospective patient, it is important that you have a good grasp on the reasons that you are seeking plastic surgery. This must be your own free will. Although friendly encouragement from your peers, friends, and your spouse is not harmful, you must be certain within your own mind’s desires that you are seeking the procedure of your own free will. No one should be pushing you or even guiding you in a direction that makes you consider having surgery. Plastic surgery is a perfectly acceptable option for those who desire a boost in body image, but it should be your idea to actually pursue it. A surgeon is not a counselor, and though he can suggest that you may not be in a perfect state of mind to undergo a procedure, he cannot deny you the right to have any surgery unless you have distinct and documented health conditions that put you in danger.
If you are sure that you are making the decision of your own mind, research the specific operation that you are seeking, and consult with a surgeon about the realistic outcomes of having such an operation. Plastic surgeries that are elective in nature are meant to improve appearances. They are not inherently life changing. They do not solve emotional and relationship problems. Such procedures are a good way to boost body image or confidence if the results are intended for your own personal growth and not meant to satisfy the desires or even suspected desires of someone else.
At this point, if you and your doctor have deemed you to be a candidate with healthy and realistic desires, then you should begin to disclose your health history with your prospective surgeon. Any and all health conditions, concerns, and records should be discussed both with your primary care physician and with your cosmetic surgeon. You are considering undergoing a major surgery even though it is elective in nature, and all the same rules apply to this as would apply in an operation necessary in nature. You must weigh the positive outcomes with the risks involved in order to make an informed and safe decision.
It is also important that you have a grasp on what recovery will entail. Make sure that you have ample time to take off of work, and know that you have trusting and caring people to help you through the recovery period. Take a few days to pay close attention to your everyday activities. Will lifting children, driving a stick-shift, loading back packs, walking upstairs to a crying child, or a heavy load of house work without help hinder proper recovery? Leave no question unanswered in order to create the best recovery circumstance.