Like anyone of us, we become nervous about waking up one morning to find our pillow covered with hair or our comb with more hairs tangled on the brush.
Proper nutrition is vital for the overall health of the body. In the same way as essential vitamins are very important in keeping a healthy head of hair.
Hair loss occurs when there is a deficiency or lack of vitamins and nutrients in the scalp,

or in the body in general. Hence, inadequate proportions of these vitamins and minerals can result to a weaker resistance of the body and may cause hair loss problems. In addition, these vitamins are needed for the proper growth of the hair follicles.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A helps produce healthy sebum in the scalp; therefore, its deficiency may cause dry and brittle hair resulting in hair loss. This vitamin promotes healthy hair follicles by keeping the roots of the hair lubricated. Good sources of vitamin A are meat, eggs, and dairy products like milk, cheese, vegetables like broccoli, spinach, cabbage, peaches and fish oil. Remember, Vitamin A should be taken in a limit as high doses may cause hair loss.
Vitamin B
All of your B complex vitamins can aid in growing hair and keeping it healthy. Vitamin B family is essential for hair regrowth. It is a key for having strong, beautiful and healthy hair. B vitamins like B3, B5, B6, B7, B8 and B12 are very important for stimulating hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin B include brewer’s yeast, eggs, milk, nuts, peas, soybeans, beans, fruits and fish.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Vitamin B3 promotes scalp circulation, thus preventing hair loss. Good sources of vitamin B3 are meat, fish, wheat germ and chicken. Taking a vitamin B3 supplement will also help prevent hair loss.
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Vitamin B5 prevents hair graying and stops the progression of hair loss. It is also very important for the health of the scalp. Foods rich in vitamin B5 include egg yolks, milk, meat, potatoes and whole grain cereals.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Vitamin B6 not only helps prevent hair loss but is also a source of melanin which gives hair its color. The foods rich in vitamin B6 are egg yolks, vegetables, meat and whole grains. Remember, Pyridoxine should be taken in small dosages because overdose may lead to uneasiness.
Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Vitamin B7 helps in the production of keratin, which prevents hair loss and hair graying. Eating foods rich in Vitamin B7 or taking vitamin B7 supplements is good for hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin B7 are egg yolks, brewer’s yeast, milk, bulgur, whole grains, oats, brown rice, walnuts, green peas and soybean.
Vitamin B8 (Inositol): Vitamin B8 is very important for hair growth as it keeps hair follicles healthy. A deficiency of this vitamin may lead to hair loss. Good sources of Vitamin B8 include brewer’s yeast, citrus fruits and whole grain cereals.
Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is important for healthy hair regrowth and it also helps prevent hair loss. Foods rich in vitamin B12 include milk, eggs, chicken, meat and fish.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C improves scalp circulation. It maintains the capillaries that carry nutrients and blood to the roots of the follicles, thereby helping stimulate healthy hair growth. Vitamin C also promotes collagen production and helps in the absorption of other nutrients needed for healthy hair growth. Foods rich in vitamin C include potatoes, tomatoes, citrus fruits, pineapple, dark green vegetables and strawberries.
Vitamin D
vitamin D helps your scalp at the genetic level. The presence of this vitamin actually triggers those genes that encourage proper hair growth. Losing or lacking these genes will cause hair loss problems. Good sources of Vitamin D are tuna, cod-liver oil, egg, cheese, milk, margarine and sardines.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E supports a healthy scalp by helping to increase the oxygen supplied through the blood. Apart from preventing hair loss it also prevents hair graying. Foods rich in vitamin E include broccoli, spinach, dried beans, soybeans, eggs, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils.
These are some of the vitamins that prevent hair loss. But always remember that vitamins should be taken in a certain limit and not more than the stated dosage. Overdose of certain vitamins may be dangerous. Therefore, it’s better to consult your doctor before taking them.