Charitable giving with a pulse oximeter device for healthy monitoring.
Charitable work and giving is one of the greatest functions that a person can service in our society. There are many individuals out there with different health conditions that are being cared for in charitable facilities. These facilities in fact require medical and health technology that many times their limited budgets cannot provide. One of the best charitable health devices to donate to charities is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that measures blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate instantly. The device is extremely useful and effective in helping those individuals with either cardiac or respiratory issues. By simply placing your finger inside the device it gives you an instant reading of the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. Those charitable organizations that provide health care to individuals in need who happen to have cardiac and respiratory problems can take great use in the ability to utilize a pulse oximeter to monitor their health. Asthma, seems to be one of the most common conditions that exists in many of these charitable health facilities and the ability to monitor the oxygen levels of the individuals is critical to living a healthy life or even getting the specific health condition under control. Giving the device as a donation to a charity works great because it is very much effective in not only monitoring asthma but also numerous other conditions. The ability to monitor the health of individuals in these facilities can be the difference between living a health life and not. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that measures the pulse rate as well as the blood oxygen saturation of an individual The device is only a fraction of the size of a typical cell phone and thus it is extremely portable. It also is very accurate and instantly gives a reading of the oxygen saturation as well as pulse rate within seconds. By inserting your finger inside the portable device an infrared light passes through you finger. Hemoglobin absorbs light at different frequencies and as such the infrared light that goes through the finger bounces back to the oximeter device computer with a number that represents the oxygen levels of the body. This number means the world to people who live with conditions that require accurate monitoring of the oxygen levels in the body. Oximeter devices continue to break ground not only in the hospital setting but also the home setting as well. No longer do individuals need to be at their physician’s office or a hospital in order to take advantage of such a device to monitor their health. The newest generations of devices are not only extremely small and portable but they also are extremely affordable. So individuals living with various health conditions that are necessary to measure their oxygen levels can now use the device in the comfort of their home without ever having to worry about not monitoring their health on a continuous basis. The portability also allows them to take the device wherever they desire to go.
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