Questions And Answers About Microdermabrasion Treatments
If you're considering the microdermabrasion treatments you may have some questions before proceeding. Here are some questions and answers to give you an idea of what it's all about.
Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure used for the removal of fine wrinkles,

skin rejuvenation, acne signs removal and scar reduction. Microdermabrasion treatments are an effective way to get rid of any unaesthetic facial problems and signs of aging. Thus, you'll be able to prevent and control wrinkles. Practically, it's about exfoliation, because the cosmetician removes the topmost layer of dead skin cells, rejuvenating tired-looking skin. This operation involves various cosmetic devices that use aluminum oxide crystals. Anesthesia is not required, because the treatment is painless. The power of suction can be adjusted according to your needs. Microdermabrasion might cause a slight discomfort around the eyes, where the skin is more sensitive. Skin redness can be easily covered with some face powder. Microdermabrasion treatments are divided into 4-8 sessions, made once at every two weeks. The procedure itself lasts for about 30 minutes. What about microdermabrasion devices? Well, it's recommended to ask for the advice of a specialist and to decide about what's suitable for your skin. Is microdermabrasion the right solution for your skin? This procedure has amazing effects on fine or deep wrinkles, acne signs and scars. Microdermabrasion treatments are ineffective when it comes about removing tattoos, wrinkles of expression, deep scars and birth signs. Are there any immediate results? After a session of microdermabrasion, the skin becomes very dry, as a result of exfoliation; you might experience itching, skin redness and flaking. All these side effects are just part of the healing process. It's important to apply a moisturizing face cream and SPF lotions; stay away from sun, exfoliating products or tanning beds before and after the treatment. You'll get a smoother and brighter skin immediately after the first session. What are the microdermabrasion effects? You will notice immediately that your skin has become healthier, clearer and younger. In time, dilated pores will be less pronounced and your wrinkles will become less visible. Also, the skin condition will be improved. Microdermabrasion treatments can be also done at home, being less expensive and milder. All you need is a cream with tiny and crystal-like beads, which must be applied on the face for several minutes. Clean you face and use a moisturizing lotion or an emollient that hydrates the skin. Although it's a natural procedure, microdermabrasion still has risks and contraindications. Before starting the treatment, you must be aware of your medical history. It's not recommended to try this procedure if you're pregnant (pregnant women have fluctuating hormonal levels) or if you suffer from diabetes. Also, microdermabrasion isn't the best option in case of undiagnosed skin lesions, warts, herpes, active rosacea, tendency of postoperative hyperpigmentation, tumors, Keratosis. If you are on a treatment with vitamins A and E, Retinol, accutane or beta-carotene, it's better to avoid this procedure. Remember that you mustn't exfoliate your skin before the treatment, because it might become too sensitive. Microdermabrasion effects are irreplaceable. However, you shouldn't depend on these chemical treatments; any abuse can lead to complications and unwanted side effects. Be patient and enjoy the results!