Quick Acne Solutions - 4 Natural Remedies to Cure Zits

Feb 24


Vallerie Vanders

Vallerie Vanders

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It must be frustrated to have zits and cannot find effective ways to get rid of them. Zits come up especially at the time of puberty when your body starts changing from child to adolescent, when you start getting emotional about everything or when you began experiencing sexy feelings. There are no reasons to worry about, I assure you there are possible ways to get rid of them effectively and make your skin shines again!

Let's discuss about four very easy ways how to unblock clogged pores: • The application of lemon juice to zits or acne will get them eliminated. If you have sensitive skin you need to dilute the lemon juice with water. Dab a piece of cloth dipped in lemon juice all over your zits area and leave it for 5 minutes then wash off. You may do this on a daily basis. • Orange peel - Let the orange peels dried and then crushes with a stone. Mixed some water to it and apply on the affected area. Let it to dry on your skin and wash off. • Coriander or mint juice - A very quick relief for zits/blackheads and pimples. Firstly,Quick Acne Solutions - 4 Natural Remedies to Cure Zits Articles make a mixture of coriander juice with turmeric powder. A teaspoon of coriander juice with a pinch of turmeric powder will be enough for the face. Apply the paste directly to zits areas for about 15 - 20 minutes then rinse off. Do this every night before going to bed. Secondly, the same action can be done with mint in place of coriander. • Garlic - Usually advice by elders as an effective cure for acne. They are perfectly right about this! In fact garlic is known as the best fighter against the toughest acne and zits. All you have to do is to rub garlic gently over the affected areas everyday. You will very soon be cleared of zits, pimples/acne, spots and boils. You may also eat three cloves of raw garlic every day to purify your blood, resulting to a glowing skin! ----------

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