Raising a toast to being 50 years old
Geriatric medicine widely differs from gerontology, which involve the in-depth study of aging process. Geriatric medicine does not come under the branch of adult medicine, since it solely concentrates on elderly patients’ needs. The body of an aged person is physiologically different from that of a young ormiddle-aged person’s body.
Geriatrics is a specialized branch of medicine that is very different from adult medicines. Geriatric patients are essentially senior citizens,

who should ideally depend on geriatric medicines for their various health problems. This branch of medicine solely focuses on medical and health care for old people. The main aim of this branch of medicine is to promote good health among the elderly. This guides them in recovering from various disabilities and diseases that are common in older people. There is no fixed age at which a patient should ideally come under a geriatrician’s care. A geriatric physician is a medical professional who focuses on the health care and disease prevention of the elderly. Also, the call for geriatric medicine can be judged by the patient’s individual needs, and the easy availability of a certified geriatric physician. Geriatric medicine widely differs from gerontology, which involves the in-depth study of aging process. Geriatric medicine does not come under the branch of adult medicine, since it solely concentrates on elderly patients’ needs. The body of an aged person is physiologically different from that of a young ormiddle-aged person’s body. As old age sets in, various vital organs of the body manifest poor performance. However, past health issues and the lifestyle of the person also play a major part in deciding the quality of health in old age. Everything finally comes down to the habits one has cultivated during his youth. If the habits have been good, there is no reason to fear old age.For a heavy smoker suffering from respiratory ailments in his old age, it is primarily because smoking has rapidly exhausted his respiratory system. When it comes to treating an elderly patient under the geriatric branch of medicine, a lot of practical concerns need to be addressed. First and foremost, the physician has to consider the functional abilities and disabilities if any, and then decide on a course of treatment. Financial independence and the overall quality of life of the patient play a pivotal role in determining what geriatric medicines would be ideal for him. Most elderly people wish to live independently for as long as they can. For this, they have to start early and work on their self-care, and take up activities that enrich their health. A certified geriatric physician will provide the patient with ample knowledge about self-care options and assisted living facilities. Hexagon Nutrition Pvt. Ltd is a company that is an expert into food supplements and clinical nutrition. GeriaGold is an oral nutritional supplement designed to improve nutritional status of the elderly, and reduce mortality risk. It is formulated with dietary wheat fiber and fructose, which makes it suitable for diabetic patients. It also contains soya, whey and milk proteins which are rich in minerals and vitamins, and are in accordance to the guidelines set by the NRC and ICMR, which makes it safe for all elderly patients. It is easy to consume and need not be taken with milk or sugar, unlike other nutritional supplements. To know more kindly visit - mynutrishop.co.in