Removing Skin Moles Using Simple Juices
Even simple food items like pine apple juice or garlic can serve as a wonderful remedy for removing skin moles.
There are many natural mole removal methods out there that you cannot fault for their performance. However,

there are some doctors who are not fully supportive of this. There really is no need to worry that the moles could give you cancer risks if they do not display any changes or abnormalities and they don't even grow in number. But when the size and number increases within a short period of time and when the contours of the moles change, you can be sure, that there is an impending danger. Then you must definitely take steps to eliminate those moles at once. Even when you observe small changes in the color of the moles, you can report this to the doctor or dermatologist.
You will be needing a number of things in order to remove these skin moles. Examples of these items include some baking soda, juices of garlic or onion, apple cider vinegar, and of course, some bandages. How should you use the apple cider vinegar in removing moles? Have some cotton balls on hand. Make sure they are sterilized. Soak the cotton ball in the vinegar. Apply it on the area where the mole is. You could put bandage over the cotton to make the most of it. The cotton ball should be changed daily. You'd probably have to do this for a month-long period. Afterwards, you may notice the results that you want. It is possible for some scarring to be involved. But natural methods really come with the risk of scarring.
Removing moles can also be accomplished with the use of honey. Put honey on the moles for about 15 to 30 minutes. Honey is devoid of any component that could cause allergic reactions. Your skin is safe despite prolonged exposure to, or application of, honey. Warm water will then be used to rinse it later. Take note: the water has to be lukewarm. Apply on a daily basis until the moles are gone. If you do not want the honey turning your hair gray, you should be careful and not apply honey on moles that are located near the hair. When you rub pineapple juice on the skin moles for around four times a day, the moles will fade out. You can just slice the pineapple into small pieces and rub it directly on the moles. If possible, you can prepare the pineapple juice and then apply it directly on moles. These remedies will not cause charring of skin. Scars may appear but even you may not notice them because they are so slight.
Baking soda as a treatment would require certain steps. If you are to mix castor oil with baking soda, it should be limited to half a teaspoon only of the baking soda. The castor oil should be limited up to 5 drops only. Apply the mixture to the moles. After applying, you could also place a bandage over it if you think that would hasten the process. This is placed overnight. In the morning, you can remove bandage and rinse off the area. This is followed for around one month to get a good result. Those who have tried these home remedies have gained good outcomes. The absence of adverse side effects also makes them even more popular. Surgery is also an option to have moles removed, especially if the moles are found to be cancerous.