Rhinoplasty Complications And Risks
Rhinoplasty, like all surgeries, carries some risks. Patients considering a nose job need to understand these risks, which include infection, poor results, toxic shock syndrome, and nerve damage. Most risks are minimal, however, as this is considered a fairly straightforward procedure.

which is the medical term that refers to the traditional “nose job,” is a surgery designed to reshape the nose to be more in symmetry to the body. It is a surgical procedure, and as such does carry some risks. If you wish to reshape your nose through this surgery, you should first understand the risks involved to ensure you are ready to take on those risks.
Some risks are the same risks that are possible with any surgical procedure. These include scarring, pain, internal scarring, nerve damage, numbness, bleeding, reactions to anesthesia, and swelling. One of the more dangerous risks is the risk of toxic shock syndrome, but this occurs in less than 1 percent of all nose jobs. Permanent numbness in the area and infection are also a risk, but both of these carry a less than 1 percent risk. Choosing a highly qualified plastic surgeon with specific skill in rhinoplasty lowers these risks tremendously.
Some risks are more specific to the nose job. For instance, some patients may experience a perforation of the septum. Others may find that they lose their sense of smell. If the surgery is extensive, they may lose structural support.
Abnormal shape of the nose is another problem that could occur due to the surgery. This occurs due to an error on the surgeon’s part, or it can occur if the patient does not remain elevated after the procedure or sleeps on one side without proper casting. Following your doctor’s orders precisely after the procedure and choosing a highly skilled surgeon will virtually eliminate this risk. Of course, there are always factors that can increase this risk, but the skill of the surgeon is one of the most important factors to prevent the risk.
You can take some measures prior to surgery to lower your risks. The first is quitting smoking if you are a smoker. Smoking affects the circulation in your body, which then affects your ability to heal. You should stop smoking for at least the four weeks before the surgery, and do not start again until at least four weeks afterwards.
Getting into good physical shape before surgery also helps you body recover afterwards. While being obese or out of shape does not prevent you from having rhinoplasty, it does affect your overall health, and you may struggle with slow healing. Some health conditions can prevent surgery due to increased risks, particularly if you have a heart condition.
In general, rhinoplasty has a low risk of serious complications. The range is between 4 and 18 percent, but this number goes down tremendously when the surgery is performed by a skilled, experienced surgeon. Soft tissue or skin complications occur in approximately 10 percent of all surgeries, but many of these are temporary and go away as the area heals. So, if you feel you could benefit from this surgical procedure and are willing to take on these risks, look for a skilled, experienced surgeon to perform it, and soon you will have a nose that fits the shape of your head.