Before you head to the surgery center for your rhinoplasty, make sure you have everything prepared for a hassle-free surgery and recovery period.

or the “nose job” as it is more commonly known, is a type of plastic surgery that both men and women often turn to in order to create a more proportional facial profile. When you have decided that it is the right surgery for you, you need to take the necessary steps to ensure you are fully ready for the procedure.
Meeting With Your Doctor
Before your surgery, you will meet with your doctor several times. The first time you do, make sure you outline exactly what you want to have improved after your procedure is done. For example, if you want your nose to be straightened, less bulky, or more curved, explain this to the doctor, and be very clear in your description.
Your doctor will then evaluate your face and tell you whether or not a nose job is the right procedure to help you create the proportionate look you want. He will also help you understand whether or not your goals are realistic. Often, before and after pictures of patients with similar facial features can help you see exactly what the procedure can and cannot do. You will then decide for certain whether or not you want to have the surgery.
Preparing for Surgery Day
Before the day of your surgery, arrange to have someone help you. You will need a ride to and from the surgery center. You will also need someone to help you at home for at least the first 24 hours after surgery.
If you regularly take blood thinning medications, like aspirin, you will likely be asked to stop two weeks prior to your surgery. If you have a medical reason to need a blood thinner, discuss this carefully with your doctor. Blood thinners can complicate your surgery.
Prepare a place in your home where you can rest after the surgery. Make a comfortable spot to lie down with your head elevated, and consider adding light canceling blinds to the windows so your rest will not be hindered by sunlight. Place a basket of comfort items, like your TV remote, packaged snacks, self-care items, and your phone, near you recovery spot. Also include the materials you will need to care for your incision, such as cotton balls, gauze, and any creams your doctor recommends.
Make arrangements for time off of work. You should be able to return to work one to three weeks after your surgery. Keep in mind that the swelling and bruising can last up to six weeks, so you will need to apply makeup until the bruising is gone.
Surgery Day
Dress in loose-fitting clothing on the day of your surgery, and consider a button-up top that you can easily put on after your surgery without messing with your nose. Ask your doctor if you can get your pain medication prescription before your surgery. This will allow you to go straight home after your procedure, rather than making a stop at the pharmacy. Finally, arrive at the surgery center early so you can get any blood work and paperwork out of the way before your scheduled surgery time. With all of these preparations, your rhinoplasty should go off without a hitch, and soon you will be home recovering and waiting to unveil your new nose.