Staying Healthy In an Unhealthy Environment
In the race to make it big and successful, people are neglecting their health and the signs their body gives them. Cases of obesity are now being recorded even in children, which show just how much we are neglecting our health.
Obesity is becoming a growing concern in our country. With more than 50% of the population either obese or over weight in metro cities like Delhi and Mumbai,
diseases like type two diabetes and coronary heart problem is becoming a common notion. In the race to make it big and successful, people are neglecting their health and the signs their body gives them. Cases of obesity are now being recorded even in children, which show just how much we are neglecting our health. Poor diets, unhealthy lifestyles and irregular sleeping patterns are some of the reasons more and more people are falling prey to obesity. Here are a few simple things you can do to make sure you never have to worry about this disease.Regular Exercise is very important. Most of us have desk jobs which call for very little and sometimes no physical activity at all. This along with long hours of commuting leaves us with very little time to exercise. Care must be taken to include some form of physical activity in our daily routine. It could be as simple as a swim or twenty minute jog in the morning or even walking instead of taking transport to work if the distance is less. Regular exercise helps keep us active and improves our concentration power. However just exercise isn’t enough to fight obesity. A well balanced diet is essential as it helps by giving us all the nutrition we need to lead an active and healthy life. A balanced meal includes a small portion of all the possible vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Including everything in one meal is difficult though we must try to incorporate them in some way. A balanced nutrition plan includes whole grains, lean proteins, vegetables, fruits and low fat dairy. Whole grains like brown rice and oatmeal offer roughage and vitamin B while dairy products like skim milk, plain yogurt and cottage cheese are a good source of calcium and potassium. Beans, lean meat, egg whites and tofu satisfy our protein needs. Fresh vegetables have antioxidants as well as essential vitamins and minerals needed to keep a number of harmful diseases at bay.Obesity is a preventable disease. It can be controlled and avoided. Although most people don’t look at obesity as a reason to worry it causes a host of other harmful diseases like a certain type of cancer, high blood cholesterol and insulin resistance which can lead to death. Most people don’t realize they are obese which is why they should get regular check ups and maintain their weight. Obesity, although hereditary in some cases, is mostly caused through unhealthy lifestyle options. In today’s fast paced life people have little time to stop and think about their health. It may not always be convenient to prepare nutrition filled meals every day. In such a scenario the healthy option is to take supplements which will help cure obesity and the disease at bay. These supplements are a delicious alternative to an unhealthy alternative and are loaded with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals our body needs. Hexagon’s Obesigo, which comes in chocolate flavor as well, is a perfect example of a healthy supplement which allows you to go about your day without worry about your health and obesity.