The benefits of Avocados are seriously endless. They're personally my favorite fruit because of their creamy texture and rich taste. They can be eaten in a variety of ways.
The Importance of Avocados are never ending. I happen to love this fruit more than any other, Due to their creamy texture and there rich taste. Avocados can be eaten so many different ways. They are a part of every fitness and diet program the world is offering.
There are many health benefits to this incredible vegetable. One benefit of this incredible veggie is it can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.. There is also much research that shows that certain compounds contained in avocados are able to seek out pre-cancerous and cancerous oral cancer cells and destroy them without harming healthy cells. Avocados are high in oleic acid which is also in olive oil. Olive oil is very healthy in small amounts just like this vegetable. Oleic acid has been shown to prevent breast cancer in various studies.
In a single avocado, most of the calories (one avocado is typically 320 calories) you receive are from monounsaturated fat also known as healthy fat. This healthy monounsaturated fat is used by the body to lessen your LDL cholesterol, which is harmful and dangerous to your body's wellbeing. On the other hand, good cholesterol known as HDL cholesterol is raised by consuming monounsaturated fats. Avocados also have carotenoid lutein which protects against cataracts, a disabling eye-related disease.
Think of it this way 1 cup of avocado has about a quarter of the recommended daily dose of folate in it.. Research has indicated that people who eat diets rich in folate have much lower tendencies to get heart disease than those who do not. Folate also protects against strokes. Research shows that people who eat diets rich in folate are more protected against getting a stroke than those who do not. This fruit is so rich in Omega 3 and as we all know helps lower risk of heart disease.. This Veggie/Fruit is so powerful do to the fact it is loaded with so many Vitamins.. Another great advantage in adding avocadoes to your meals is that it'll improve your absorption of nutrients. Avocados are also great to regulate blood sugar.
Avocados are just some of many healthy vegetables that can supplement unhealthy snacks to keep you satisfied and full for longer periods of time.
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