The Decision to Get Breast Implants

Jan 18


Jameson Anderson

Jameson Anderson

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If you think that you might want to get breast implants, there are many things to consider before going forward with the process. Read on to learn more.

If you think that you might want to get breast implants,The Decision to Get Breast Implants Articles there are many things to consider before going forward with the process. First, it is important to ask yourself why you want breast implants? Be sure that the answer to this question is that you want them for you, and not for anyone else in your life. Also consider how getting implants will affect your life, be aware that implants cannot make you a happier person or "fix" any of the relationships in your life. It is also important to realize that having larger breasts will require you to get new clothing and you may have to adjust your daily physical activities. If you have determined that you are getting implants for the right reasons, then the next step is to find a doctor who you feel comfortable with.

Remember that getting breast implants is major surgery, it is absolutely essential that you find a surgeon with a great track record and who is fully trained and board certified. You may want to have a consultation with more than one plastic surgeon before deciding on the doctor who is right for you. Breast implants last about 15 years in the average patient. It is important to know before having surgery that you may need to have your implants redone at some point. There are many options that you will need to discuss with your cosmetic surgeon, such as whether you want saline or silicone implants. Saline implants are filled at the time of your surgery to your desired size, while silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone gel. Saline and silicone implants also feel slightly different, be sure to ask your doctor so that you can feel the difference. Many people think that silicone feels more natural to the touch, however it is important to consider that silicone implants are more expensive and can be more damaging to the body if they rupture. Saline implants are less expensive than silicone, however some people report that they look or feel unnatural. It is essential that you discuss all of these options with your doctor before you decide to have breast implant surgery. Be aware that getting implants will not change anything else in your life other than your breast size. Many women expect dramatic results after implant surgery, but the truth is that you will ultimately have all of the problems you had before the surgery, you will just have larger breasts.