The Real Facts About Plastic Surgery

Aug 22


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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The facts and the myths about plastic surgery that you need to know before you become a patient.

If you are considering the merits of plastic surgery for your own benefit,The Real Facts About Plastic Surgery Articles there is a lot of information out there in cyber world to help you decide if cosmetic surgery is right for you or not but along with the good information is plenty of false information so you need to know how to sort out the facts from the myths as you do your research.

First the basic facts that applies to just about any procedure and potential patient. Cosmetic surgery is an option for just about anyone regardless of age, gender or ethnicity. As long as you are in good overall health, you are likely to be considered a good candidate for just about any cosmetic procedure. If you are a smoker your doctor may express some concerns about how viable of a candidate you are for surgery but this will vary doctor by doctor and even procedure by procedure.

Now for the misinformation that is prevalent in cyber world. Myth number one states that all cosmetic procedures are successful. This is probably more of a false assumption than an actual myth but it needs to be addressed. As much as you would all love to believe this is true it is not. No qualified plastic surgeon will even tell you this because it is misleading and takes away the real possibility that something can go wrong.

There are a lot of factors that can come into play when you undergo any type of plastic surgery including your surgeon’s skill and training level, what type of procedure you opt for and any unforeseen reactions you may have to the anesthesia or other complications that may arise. The key to achieving success is to do your research. If you utilize a surgeon who is not skilled in your procedure you may be disappointed by the results. If you don’t do your research about what type of options you have for your procedure you may end up with a bigger scar than you want in a place you didn’t want. Don’t assume all doctors are equal and don’t assume you don’t need to be an informed consumer on your own surgery. The more you know the less likely you will wake up to a shattering myth.

Myth number two states that you should expect your life to change drastically after surgery. If you’re single now, plastic surgery will garner you a soul mate or spouse. If you’re unemployed or unhappy or alone- plastic surgery will alter your destiny and you will get that dream job, find happiness and never be alone again- all because you look physically better.

Ok, do you really need anyone to tell you this is unrealistic? Your self-confidence might ebb up and you might become more open to possibilities but your life will not become a Disney movie because you altered your nose.

So get the facts, know the myths and make decision that are based on realistic expectations and you can’t go wrong.