The Two Types of Gynecomastia

Oct 25


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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If you suffer from gynecomastia, you may not know that there are two types and two treatments for eliminating symptoms. Read on to learn more about both.

In contemporary western culture,The Two Types of Gynecomastia Articles what a man should look like and what a woman should look like are clearly defined. Starting with the Greeks, proper proportions have been the backbone of physical aesthetics in art and culture. Even with set ideas about image, there is a lot of flexibility and a lot of variety that is embraced and accepted.

However, there are abnormalities that may make you feel uncomfortable. One of these abnormalities is the appearance of breasts on the male figure. The condition is called gynecomastia and it is common for a lot of men to display symptoms of this condition. Crassly referred to as "moobs," this condition can cause self-esteem problems as well as uncomfortable body problems.

If you are a man currently suffering from this condition, it is important to know the differences between gynecomastia and another similar condition. You may have thought that there was only one cause for this symptom and awkward development, but there are actually two.

The first condition, pseudo-gynecomastia, is the result of excess fat build up in the chest cavity. This gives the appearance of having feminine looking breasts but it is not actually breast tissue. The good news for men who have this kind of condition is that it is easily remedied through diet, exercise, and learning what substances throw off their hormonal balance. With this type, not only does excess weight gain and lack of activity contribute, but also everything from medications to recreational drugs can affect the hormonal balance in your body. When estrogen levels are high, it can contribute to breast tissue development. By maintaining a health weight and eating right and staying away from certain other substances, you can reduce the symptoms naturally.

The second condition, gynecomastia, is also due to a hormonal balance. This balance disruption, however, is most likely a genetic problem. Instead of excess fat building up in the chest, it is breast tissue that develops, causing a man to literally develop female breasts. This kind of condition can only be treated with surgery. About one out of every ten patients with this condition need surgery to remove the breast tissue permanently from the body and reconstruct the chest in order to display a proper masculine figure.

If you are unsure of which gynecomastia you have, the best start is to change your lifestyle and become healthier through diet and exercise. Since most affected men suffer from this type of condition, these changes will help most men. If you change your lifestyle and you still have a problem, then you should consider speaking to a plastic surgeon about a surgical option. Don't feel uncomfortable or afraid to speak to a doctor, as there are many specialists out there that focus on male cosmetic surgeries. You can also explore your options at getting surgery covered by insurance. You don't have to live another day feeling inadequate.

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