Therapeutic value of cod liver oil

Nov 20


Sharad Gaikwad

Sharad Gaikwad

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If we go down to our memory lane, it would bring it to mind, that how we used to get repulsed by horrible tasting medicines and tonics in our babyhood days.


As a child we associate medicines as a bad thing. But as we grow up,Therapeutic value of cod liver oil Articles we realize that most of the things that taste’s bad, has great medicinal worth, so do the highly beneficial cod liver oil. 

Although the fish oil supplements leaves a bad taste in your mouth and has a pungent fishy smell, yet it is extremely useful for your health. It is the oil which is extracted from fresh liver of cod fish, which is very rich in Vitamin D and Vitamin A. 

Rich nutritional ingredients 

It holds back huge quantity of fat soluble Vitamin A and Vitamin D, which can be obtained in many other food products, but not at all in such large amount. In addition to the abundant vitamins, it is also dripping in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docasahexaenoic acid (DHA). The body produces these fatty acids from omega-3 linolenic acids. 

Health benefits provided by the nutrients 

EPA helps to retain a healthy cardiovascular system in peak condition and reduces inflammation and swelling all through your body. It provides relief to people who are suffering from arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Various examinations and researches have proven that it takes care of your emotional health by acting as an anti-depressant and prevents depression. 

DHA is vital fatty acids to keep the health of your eyes and nervous system in good condition. Like EPA it also helps to get over unceasing depression. Pregnant ladies or women who are planning to get pregnant should regularly have a moderate intake of supplements containing DHA, to facilitate proper growth of baby’s nervous system and inhibit prenatal and postnatal depression. 

Vitamin A can cure several such skin and digestive problem, which can not be treated by and medication and Home remedies. Adequate amount of Vitamin A helps to maintain proper eyesight and keep healthy skin. It builds up strong mucosal linings of the body, also the linings of digestive tracts. 

Vitamin D cuts down the threat of cancer. It helps to strengthen the bones and teeth and boosts the effectiveness and potency of your immune system. It also blocks the occurrence of type-2 diabetes by controlling the body’s blood sugar level and also checks high blood pressure. 

The history 

Ages back in ancient Roman Empire, it was mainly utilized by aristocrats and soldiers as Home remedies to build up their strength. The prehistoric Vikings always kept a barrel of fermented fish liver oil outside the door of their homes. For centuries it was used to feed animals which resulted in their lustrous skin and strong constitution, eventually making the people realize that it could be beneficial for them. 

High recommendations 

Cod liver oil is a Nutritional supplement containing Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids, which is highly recommended for the development of a child’s brain and body, as well as strengthening and maintaining the good health of old people and adults.