The Promise" Silently beneath the ground, A seed lays still and cold;Yet there within the tiny seed,Is promise yet ... promise of the ... fragrant sweet ... there within the ti
The Promise"
Silently beneath the ground,
A seed lays still and cold;
Yet there within the tiny seed,
Is promise yet untold.
The promise of the springtime,
Of fragrant sweet perfume;
Is there within the tiny seed,
In the promise of the bloom.
Think spring, be prepared to bloom!
by Allison Coxsey
It is easy to love Spring. Throughout the ages, humans have taken a natural delight in participating in Spring's approach and joyously welcoming her arrival. Spring is the season of birth. It is the season when life and inspiration and creativity arise from her season of hibernation.
We need to welcome the spirit of Spring into our inner beings. We need to take delight in the beauty and wonder and magnificence around us. We need to be joyful in being alive to experience life and all its gifts and treasures. So many of them have your name on them but are you ready to receive them? Is there room in your soul for them or is your soul in hibernation, still needing to be roused from its slumber?
Sometimes it seems difficult to empower the Spring within ourselves. What are we heavy laden with which inhibits us from breaking forth into a new dimension of life, of playfulness, of wonder, of adventure, of exploration, of creativity? Why won't we SPRING FORTH into newness and joy?
What might you be tolerating, putting up with, that hinders your forward progress?
What might others be saying that prevent you from being the authentic you?
What keeps you in fear of taking a risk and experiencing something you've only dreamed of?
" Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands Resistance. Resistance by definition is self-sabotage and procrastination its most common manifestation ". The War of Art - Steve Pressfield
Do something intentional that allows you to access the thoughtful, meaningful part of being human. That is the best way to welcome a season. Remember, the world is different in Springtime and so are you. Engage consciously in your senses to honor the heightening of your energy and spirit. Enjoy this natural catapult into a new beginning!
The bow kept forever taut will break. - Zen saying
" Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life -
learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing
and dance and play and work every day some. "
- Robert Fulghum, All I Need to Know
" Don´t ask what the world needs.
Rather ask - what makes you come alive?
Then go and do it!
Because what the world needs is people
who have come alive."
- Howard Thurman
As your Adventure-Health Coach, I would be delighted to partner with you to see you ' spring forth '; to uncover the unlived life within you and to be there when you blossom and bloom!