Mind-Body medicine is far more powerful than most reasonable minds would like to admit. The most clearly illustrated example of this power is the placebo effect.
Mind-Body medicine is far more powerful than most reasonable minds would like to admit. The most clearly illustrated example of this power is the placebo effect.
It is widely known and well demonstrated that the human mind will heal the body when told that some inert pill or potion being taken has this power. This has been shown again and again in double blind, well constructed, research projects. What is happening in these situations is that an ill person is told that an outside power, i.e., the medicine they are taking, has a greater power to heal their condition than they themselves have. Believing in this theory, the ill patient takes a sugar pill and undergoes a stunning recovery.
What does this say about your minds control over disease? Now, examine the medical system. You are told that you have high blood pressure. You are told to first attempt a few benign lifestyle changes. You cut down on salt, you drink less liquor, and two weeks later, you still have high blood pressure. Out comes a prescription for expensive, toxic, blood pressure medications. Here, two things have happened.
Firstly, you have been told that you do not have the power to control this health problem on your own. Secondly, you have been told that an outside source is better at controlling your health than you are.
While nothing could be further from the truth, it establishes a relationship of dependence.
This is the centre of the health philosophy of too many: that we are helpless in controlling our own health. It is this philosophy that has weakened western man's understanding of how tremendous the power of the mind is over the state of your physiology.
Truthfully, our minds play an incredible role in determining our mental and physical health. The secret is to understand this role and to properly guide our mental resources. Equally important, our mind must understand how our body works. An in-depth understanding of how your body works and the sources of disease processes is not likely to have found itself to you through mainstream health sources.
Dedicate yourself to exactly this function. As a regular source of food for thought, this continual effort for knowledge will bring you to a point of greater physical and mental power. I strongly urge you towards making this discovery. It is no risk to you, and may seriously deepen your knowledge and understanding of your body and your health.
The Number One Secret For Losing Weight
The fact of the matter is, diets simply do not work. Medications do not work. Nothing works to give you a long, lean muscular body until you have tapped into the number one secret for turning your body into a ripped, muscle building and fat burning machine.Top Ten Questions to Ask Before Taking a Prescription Drug
As a doctor who has been working in the health care field for ten years, I know how easily we are duped into taking medications. Medications can be dangerous and they can ruin lives.The Power of the Human Body
I want you to join me, and the many others who have discovered the simple practical methods for mastering their bodies, overcoming their aches, pains, conditions and diseases by merely trying a natural approach.