Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. Walking 10,000 steps a day can lower the risk for diabetes and improve insulin sensitivity threefold. How to increase your daily step count to 10,000.
Here is an equation that should come as no surprise: more walking equals less risk for diabetes. After all, type 2 diabetes has been called a “lifestyle” disease by medical experts, meaning that it could be avoided if you eat a healthy diet and get exercise. So walking — which is just about the simplest and most accessible activity you can do — becomes a powerful tool in the prevention of diabetes. The more you walk, the lower the risk of diabetes.
Need scientific proof? Consider the results of a recent clinical trial. Australian scientists tracked 592 middle-aged adults. All participated in a study to map diabetes levels across Australia between 2000 and 2005. Participants underwent a health examination at the start of the study and provided details about their eating and lifestyle habits. Each was also given a pedometer and instructed how to use it.
After five years, the scientists went back, gave follow-up exams to each participant and recorded the results. They found that a higher daily step count was associated with a lower body-mass index (BMI), lower waist-to-hip ratio, and better insulin sensitivity. These benefits held even after adjusting for factors such as diet, smoking and alcohol intake.
The research team also noted that these associations were independent of calorie intake and appeared to be largely due to a change in weight.
The researchers ran some numbers and came up with some interesting figures: a sedentary person who started walking 10,000 steps every day would achieve a threefold improvement in insulin sensitivity, compared with a similar person who walked 3,000 steps a day, five days a week. The research team concluded by stating there is an independent beneficial role of higher daily step count on body-mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and insulin sensitivity.
How far is 10,000 steps? About five miles. If that sounds a bit ambitious, keep in mind that you only have to cover that much over the course of a whole day — not all at once in one long walk. Try wearing a pedometer to get some sense of how much ground you are covering during a 24-hour period.
Here are some suggestions to help you increase your daily steps. Of course, you can always use your imagination and come up with your own list!
–Take a walk with your spouse, child, or friend
–Walk the dog
–Use the stairs instead of the elevator
–Park further from the store
–Better yet, walk to the store
–Get up to change the channel
–Window shop
–Plan a walking meeting
–Walk over to visit a neighbor
–Get outside to walk around the garden or do a little weeding
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