The diet plan industry would like you to believe that losing weight can be so easy if you just take this pill or try that diet. Although we all know there's no such thing as a free lunch, we want to believe them. There is no magic pill or easy button when it comes to weight loss. To date, the most effective solution is weight loss surgery. It won't be easy and you'll need lots of support along the way.
The diet plan industry would like you to believe that losing weight can be so easy if you just take this pill or try that diet. Although we all know there's no such thing as a free lunch, we want to believe them.
There is no magic pill or easy button when it comes to weight loss. To date, the most effective solution is weight loss surgery. It won't be easy and you'll need lots of support along the way.
In a good bariatric program with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, patient support begins before your operation, from the time you begin learning about bariatric surgery and deciding which procedure is right for you.
Your Bariatric Surgery Options
Although there are several types of bariatric surgery, the most common procedures are gastric banding (lap band), gastric bypass and gastric sleeve.
Lap Band - The advantage of adjustable gastric band is that it is adjustable. The band can be adjusted or filled to ensure that you're satisfied with 2 or 3 meals a day, eating small portions.
Gastric Bypass - The primary advantage of gastric bypass is losing weight rapidly, facilitated by both a smaller stomach and rerouted intestine. Not only will you eat less, but the food you do eat will pass through your body quickly.
Gastric Sleeve - The main advantage of the gastric sleeve is that it limits the amount of food you can eat with natural digestion process because the digestive tract is not altered.
Surgery is the tool to jumpstart your weight loss process. However, bariatric surgery is just one part of your weight-loss program. If you are considering surgery, you should look for the following in your bariatric surgery team:
A fellowship-trained, American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Center of Excellence surgeon.
A clinical nutritionist to work with you on your eating habits and help you develop a healthy eating plan. For long term success, learning to cook health nutritious food is essential. If your nutritionist doesn't provide this training, there are an abundance of tips and recipes for bariatric surgery friendly cooking online.
A behavioral health professional to talk about your weight-loss goals, provide clear expectations, and help you handle the emotional obstacles that could derail you weight-loss success.
Medical specialists and other healthcare professionals, including cardiologists, pulmonologists, and endocrinologists.
A pre-surgical evaluation, including lab work, electrocardiograms (EKG's), and stress testing.
Experienced and knowledgeable staff for assistance with insurance forms and other paperwork.
Ongoing support and encouragement from gastric bypass, gastric sleeve and lap band patients who understand your challenges.
Follow-up care, including lifetime monitoring.
Your program should be designed to teach you to address and overcome the causes of your obesity. Combining the proper techniques, lifestyle changes and exercise will help you lose the excess weight and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
Use all the tools at your disposal to support your commitment to changing your lifestyle for the better, especially support from family, friends and your surgical team
Latest Trends in Laparoscopic Colon Surgery
Every year, more than 600,000 surgical procedures are performed in the US to treat a number of colon diseases. Patients undergoing colon surgery often face a long and difficult recovery because the traditional "open" procedures are highly invasive. Laparoscopic colon surgery, a minimally invasive procedure, is the leading form of treatment for all stages of colon cancer as well as for the removal of pre-cancerous polyps.Joint Replacement Surgery - What You Need to Know
Joint replacement surgery is considered a last resort treatment option for arthritis pain management and restoring function to the affected joint. It is recommended when pain is no longer well-controlled and joint damage significantly affects quality of life. Typically, patients return to normal daily activities and function well. Patients who participated in sports before surgery likely can participate in low-impact sports following surgery.Effective Treatment for Melanoma
Melanoma is a form of cancer that can originate in any part of the body that contains melanocytes. Melanocytes produce the dark pigment, melanin, which is responsible for skin color. These cells predominantly occur in skin (skin melanoma) but are also found in other parts of the body (in pigmented tissues), including the bowel and the eye (uveal melanoma).