The background of the trainers in any home workout program is hugely important as seen in the GSP Workouts.
When you are talking home fitness programs with specific objectives and goals in a compressed time frame, there are a variety of factors that play into whether the program is going to be considered a success or not. There is no doubt that none are more crucial and valuable than the quality of the trainer that conceived and administers the program.
This is evident when working with the GSP Workouts for RushFit. In the case of that program, you have the advantage of two quality individuals with deep histories in the very physically challenging sport of MMA and more importantly, the preparation for it. When you think of the men who are part of MMA (short for mixed martial arts) one of the things that probably immediately springs to mind is the amazing shape they keep themselves in which manifests itself in looking great with their shirts off. Likewise, the ladies who handle the ring duties between rounds are in phenomenal shape as well.
They all have the common thread in training in a high-intensity manner with interval principles incorporated into the training. The net effect of training in this manner is they keep themselves free of plateau, they lose weight faster, and the use of large muscle groups in a myriad of ways effectively reshapes the body.
With the GSP Workouts specifically you have trainer Erik Owings and MMA Champion George “Rush” St. Pierre. Mr. Owings actually handles the training, taking on the Tony Horton P90X role. He has drawn solid reviews for being well, solid. His style is instructional and conveys an experience training elite athletes in the sport. Mr. St. Pierre would never train himself without an expert, so this makes good sense. GSP is there working along with you fighting the exact same fight. This is an unexpected pleasure for a lot of users who likely expected he’d be giving direction or merely partially participating.
Both men come from similar backgrounds in the martial arts. I believe that raw strength, total body endurance, and the discipline to see tasks through (essential to be successful in extreme requirements like the GSP Workouts are byproducts of guys who competed and achieved at a high level in the martial arts. Both men intimately understand the exercise science and importance of each move so users have complemented the efficiency and lack of wasted effort. The two worked in tandem developing the product and the goal was a legitimate championship training program for your home use.
Maximizing Your GSP RushFit Workout Results: A Comprehensive Guide
To achieve the best results from the GSP RushFit workout, a high-intensity, MMA-inspired home fitness program, it's essential to adopt a strategic approach. This guide outlines three critical steps to enhance your physical transformation, drawing on the principles of weight training and cardio exertion similar to those in P90X. With over 100 user reviews and an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars since its launch in December 2010, RushFit's popularity is a testament to its effectiveness. Here's how to ensure you're getting the most out of this dynamic 8-week program.Gary Taubes on Why We Get Fat and The Process of Changing Popular Myth
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