What Are Some Popular Teeth Whitening Remedies?

Dec 29


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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There are a number of different ways you can lose that sparkling white shine that makes your smile stand out. Regardless of what may have caused this discoloration, teeth whitening can help you get back to looking your best once again.

You may not realize it,What Are Some Popular Teeth Whitening Remedies? Articles but there are plenty of things that you can do on a daily basis that can cause your smile to lose its shining white color. At the same time, each of these potential causes can be remedied by undergoing teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening is a popular form of cosmetic dentistry that involves using chemicals to actually bleach each tooth to help them achieve a natural, pearly color. These chemicals are safe for the body and do not harm the mouth of the surrounding area, but are effective in removing any discolored areas that may be caused by various potential sources.

The process of teeth whitening can be performed individually using products that can be purchased over the counter at a drugstore or similar retailer, but the most effective methods are typically those that are performed by dental professionals due to the fact that they involve the most effective products and methods.

While many individuals may not know that they are a candidate for this procedure, others may feel as if their smile is a source of embarrassment and are looking to correct this issue. Regardless of which category an individual may fall into, it is important to understand that there are many things people do and habits they have that can lead to tooth discoloration.

First and foremost, a lack of proper dental hygiene can almost always lead to an individual losing the luster off of his or her smile. By failing to brush regularly and floss when necessary, bacteria and other materials can build up on the surface of the tooth and lead to it taking on a yellow or brown color.

Those who drink significant amounts of coffee on a regular basis are also prone to discoloration. Because of coffee's dark color and some of the ingredients that are included in it, it can stain a tooth's enamel permanently, especially when it is consumed numerous times a day on a regular basis. Other dark-colored beverages including sodas and tea can also have this effect when consumed in significant amounts on a frequent basis.

An even more significant trigger of a need for teeth whitening is tobacco use, either in cigarettes, cigars or pipes or in a smokeless form. Because of the numerous harmful chemicals present in tobacco smoke, it can cause a yellowish tinge to develop on a tooth's enamel over time for anyone who smokes on a daily basis.

At the same time, those who chew or use smokeless tobacco subject themselves to direct contact with the substance itself. Due to its own brownish color and many of the same chemicals and additives present, it can have as much of an effect on the color of a tooth as smoking can, and in many instances can be even worse.

These causes and others can make someone a prime candidate for teeth whitening whether they realize it or not. Taking a long look in the mirror and then consulting with your dentist can help you decide if you should look into it yourself.
