What Does Health Care Embrace?

Mar 17


Paul Abbey

Paul Abbey

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Cerebal palsy will affect the muscle tone, movement and motor skills.


Health care,What Does Health Care Embrace? Articles or healthcare, whichever expression you prefer, is the prevention, intervention and management of sickness using the facilities offered by the medical, nursing and allied health professions. According to The World Health Organization, health care embraces all the goods and services designed to encourage health, including preventive, curative and palliative interventions, whether directed to people or to populations. Working to together this way, the whole medical community would fall under the term healthcare system.

Early before the phrase healthcare was commonplace, the English speaking countries called it just plain medicine or more commonly the health sector but it still meant the provision of a health service to treat and cure illness and disease. Even in most developing nations there is a form of health care provision for everyone whether they are in a position to pay or not. This first started in the UK a few years after the end of World War 2 in 1948, and became the first healthcare service set up and run by a administration.

A system second to this, according to The World Health Organization is the one initiated in Italy where a compulsory system of insurance which the administration funds, but at a relatively low cost per individual, is used. This type of system has been copied to a degree in both Australia and Canada where it is called by the same name of Medicare. These systems are almost opposite to the systems presently provided in American and South Africa although there are huge changes taking place in the system used by South Africa. A healthcare professional is someone who dedicates their skills to the prevention, intervention and aftercare of disease and illnesses with the intention to preserve and protect life and improve the lives of the disabled or infirm.

The healthcare industry is one of the world's biggest and fastest-growing industries generally consuming at least ten percent of gross domestic product of most developed countries, health care can form a large part of a country's economy. America bucks this trend with, back in 2003, a health industry responsible or over 15 percent of gross domestic product but this is anticipated to rise considerably by 2016 when it will almost one fifth of The United States GDP.

This fact is highlighted by the large number of American citizens who have serious concerns about their health care, around one hundred eighty million to be precise, and the main worry for anyone seeking employment in America. The costs of healthcare in The United States have risen so much that General Motors had looked at filing bankruptcy due to the increasing health care costs dragging down its auto manufacturing division. It was only after negotiations with the unions to reduce certain health benefits and the subsequent sell off of its poorly performing finance division that stopped the unthinkable from occurring.

Healthcare has become an extremely important issue to Americans one which employers must address to a work force which demands better healthcare benefits. The health of the individuals on this planet should be something that is established on prevention rather than cure, a case of being hands-on as apposed to reactive.