What Hearing Aid Is Right For You?
Recent studies have shown that about 70% of all elderly Americans will need to use a hearing aid. For most people, this decision will be something that has to be made later in life, but for some, choosing a listening device may come earlier.
Right now there are usually 5 types of devices on the market. Each one of them has benefits and downsides. Each one of them will appeal to different people for different reasons. The smallest hearing aid,

the "completely in the canal" type is almost undetectable to anyone even nearby. The device does not leave anything visible outside of the ear and these smaller types are generally tinted to the tone of the wearer. This type of device is usually used in younger users who may be a little more image conscious and tends to be slightly more expensive than the other types of devices on the market.
Coming in a close second to that in terms of being undetectable is the "in the canal" style. This is very much like the previously mentioned device, but it's not completely in the canal. There is a little bit that can be seen from the outside, but is for the most part unobtrusive. These two types of devices tend to be better for those who do not have arthritis because they can be a little difficult to maneuver in those cases. Also, those with poor eyesight may want to give a pass on these types as they can be quite small and difficult to see.
Another style of hearing aid, and the one you are likely to be more familiar with is "in the ear", or the full shell. This extends a bit out of the canal and is fitted into the outer bowl of the ear. These are more obvious but they also offer a lot more options than their smaller counter parts. They also tend to be easier to program, and easier to maintain.
The behind the ear style is a bit like those Bluetooth devices many people already use. It simply has a part that goes into the ear, but also another part that wraps around the back of the ear. Usually these parts are connected with a very small, clear piece of plastic tube. Again, as with the other types, these offer advantages and disadvantages to the wearer. They're a bit larger than the other styles, so if you are wanting a device that is easily hidden, they may not be for you. They do tend to maintain maximum amplification better than other styles and are much easier to change features with.
Though you can still get the analog type of hearing aid, they are slowly being taken out of the market. Digital devices can be programmed down to a customization for the person wearing it almost to an art, now. Once these are programmed, they can usually analyze and then, correct the incoming sound waves so that the person wearing them can hear with much more clarity. The analog models do tend to be less tech advanced, offering only sound amplification. Now that you know about the varying types of devices on the market, it will be easier to go with your style and budget to find the one you need.