Wheelchair lifts are advanced mobility systems that have revolutionized the way the disabled move, work and live. They are available in different modes of operation. Wheelchair lifts come in the electric and hydraulic variety.
Wheelchair lifts are advanced mobility systems that have revolutionized the way the disabled move, work and live. They can be almost infinitely customized with end number of features for the benefit of the users with disability. Depending on the manufacturer, wheelchair lifts are easily customizable. Buyers can therefore select the elevator that’ll serve their needs the most. There’s a wheelchair lift for every purpose.
Wheelchair lifts come in the electric and hydraulic variety. Hydraulic wheelchair lifts don’t require electricity and can therefore function even in the event of a power failure, though electric wheelchair lifts come with battery back-up. However, hydraulic wheelchair lifts are at times difficult to maintain and require constant care. They’re also much more expensive than their electric counterparts. Electric wheelchair lifts are more flexible and easy to install. There are endless applications for the electric wheelchair lift.
Being the advanced mobility systems that they are, wheelchair lifts are available in different modes of operation. Rotary wheelchair lifts are also called ‘swing’ lifts as their method of operation involves moving the wheelchair by swinging it up-and-down or inside and outside. These wheelchair lifts are typically used in vans and minivans. Since there are so many options and varieties of wheelchair lifts around, selecting your wheelchair lift must be done with much care, taking into consideration all your needs. While selecting your wheelchair you need to ensure if you wish to transfer from your wheelchair to vehicle or you wish to be in your chair while traveling. In the case of the latter further modifications to the car or van need to be carried out.
Other things to be taken into consideration are if your automobile is compatible with, or can be modified to, the type of wheelchair you’ve zeroed in on. Next, you need to check if the wheelchair you have is compatible with the lift. You can also look-out for some special options or features of wheelchair lifts which could make the vital difference. For example, you need to check if the wheelchair lift has a back-up lifting or lowering mechanism should the main drive system fail. Once you’ve sorted out your needs, it’s easier to choose these advanced mobility systems.
The Advanced Mobility Systems company has been helping individuals with disability with their innovative wheelchairs. They are manufacturers of tilt wheelchairs that help users to perform end number of tasks, including transferring themselves to wheelchair lifts.
Life is no more an obstacle race for the disabled, thanks to the advanced mobility systems of wheelchair lifts.
Savaria Concord Eclipse Elevator
If you are looking for an affordable and efficient residential elevator, Savaria Concord Eclipse Elevator is the ideal choice. All Savaria Concord Eclipse elevators are built with highly durable components which are the same used in commercial accessibility equipments. It is easy to install and maintain as no costly modifications are required to be made at your home or premises.Savaria Concord Stair Lifts
B.07 Straight Stair Chair and Step Saver Straight Stair Chair are the two stair lift models of Savaria Concord. The Savaria Concord stair lifts has the option of battery powered operation, which allows usage even during power failure.Stairlifts for the Disabled
Stairlifts are a relief to disable persons. Stair lifts help them to easily access the different floors in their homes and offices. Stairlifts for both indoor and outdoor purposes are available.