When Dental Implants Are Your Best Choice
Dental implants are a viable, successful and permanent solution to many dental maladies due to tooth loss or the need for dentures. Seek a professional's advice and consultation for peace of mind and you will learn just how obtainable and commonplace implants are for today's dental needs.
The truth is that many people today do not have what used to be called "a Colgate smile." The sort of smile that celebrities made popular and sought after in the 1950's with the help of toothpaste giant,
Colgate's advertisement budget. Simply put, when some people smile, it's quite evident they are missing teeth. Many opt for dental implants for cosmetic correction but others are advised to have an implant for various other dental problems as a simple crown or bridge. Then, there is often the need for a full upper and lower jaw set of dentures due to hereditary poor oral health or a psychological desire for a beautiful smile. Whatever the reason, we live in a day and age where we have many choices. One of those, in particular, is dental implants.
Dental implants have been around for a very long time, but their common usage has increased since the 1980's. New methods and materials are discovered and enhanced every year making this procedure a viable option for nearly everyone who needs it.
What exactly are implants made of and how do they work? They are made of a variety of materials that are compatible with the human body, most commonly made up of titanium. When inserted into the jaw, they fuse with the bone causing the implanted tooth to become extremely stable and permanent. This is a wonderful advantage for someone who needs to have a full set of dentures because the implants can be constructed in the mouth in such a way that they can be snapped into place securely without pain or discomfort.
There are many benefits to having dental implants. If a tooth is lost and is not replaced, over a period of time there will be bone loss in that section of the jaw where the tooth was. Many who have worn dentures all of their lives, for example, testify how awkward they can be when they slip and hinder them from eating or talking normally. Implants definitely will improve these areas and establish self-esteem to the wearer once more.
Those who have had an implant have remarked how, after only a very short period of time, the implanted tooth or teeth have grown to feel just as normal in their mouth as their own tooth felt. And, fortunately, implants can last over a lifetime if cared for properly and regularly checked by a dentist.
Although the actual procedure for having the implants can be time-consuming and lengthy, the end results are certainly worth the time it takes to complete the process successfully. If you are in need of a crown, some bridgework or a full set of dentures and your dental professional suggests implants as the answer to your needs, do not hesitate to agree. They are safe, functional and will bring you peace of mind.