Whole Wheat Why Not

May 28


Sylvia Naer

Sylvia Naer

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Whole wheat is taking over the world! It comes in a variety of ways: bread, cereal, pasta, rice etc. Many of us try to incorporate as much whole wheat as possible into our diets because of the many benefits it has. It also keeps us away from the wonder bread phase each one of us has probably had.


Whole wheat is taking over the world! It comes in a variety of ways: bread,Whole Wheat Why Not Articles cereal, pasta, rice etc. Many of us try to incorporate as much whole wheat as possible into our diets because of the many benefits it has. It also keeps us away from the wonder bread phase each one of us has probably had. Not only does whole grain food have many benefits, but it also provides a means of sustaining a healthy diet and keeping a great balance of different foods.

There are a variety of reasons why whole grain is better than white grain. Grains that are refined like pasta, white rice, baked goods, and other types of breads are now being linked to rapid weight gain and insulin resistance.. This is a major cause of type 2 diabetes. Refined grains are also a cause of the metabolic syndrome which causes cardiovascular disease. Eating more wholegrain foods is shown to protect against these diseases and various other illnesses. Metabolic syndrome can cause an apple shaped body, low levels of the "good" cholesterol better known as HDL cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

There are just so many different important benefits of Whole grain food products. Thankfully whole wheat has been proven to lower the risk of many different deleterious diseases, some of which are heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and colorectal cancer.

Beginning to eat whole grains more often can seem very difficult because of the different grocery shopping list that you have to create. However, there a number of items you can buy that are easy to find and easy to eat. You can choose any of the following grains: Whole wheat pasta, brown rice, wild rice, whole grain corn, popcorn, , quinoa, 100% whole wheat flour, whole wheat toast, and whole oatmeal.. It may seem difficult at first to make the switch over the whole grain lifestyle but it's all a matter of retraining your taste buds to become familiar with fuller, nuttier flavored food.

It's important to check the ingredient list to items that have "whole grain" written on them because many companies try to alter these products in a subtle way. If a product is truly whole grain then the first item on the ingredients list will be "whole grain", indicating that the product contains more whole grain than any other ingredient. Whole grain foods are one of the many kinds of foods we can eat to be healthier.