You can avoid expensive and questionably effective wrinkle reducers such as creams and lotions by following the natural remedies contained in this article. Vitamin supplements, sunscreen, eating right, and exercise can be more beneficial than spending money on expensive creams. These and other natural wrinkle reducing and anti-aging remedies are explored here.
Many people want to avoid buying expensive and questionably effective wrinkle reducing creams and lotions, but they still want to reduce the signs of premature aging. Wrinkles such as crow's feet and fine lines on the forehead, for example, are often bothersome and might make you look older than you are. The problem is that after buying special eye cream, nighttime lotions, daytime lotions, exfoliants, etc., your night table will be full while your wallet will be empty!
In order to stay young looking, with vibrant, smooth, and youthful skin, but without breaking the bank on expensive wrinkle reducer creams, you can start by following these general guidelines:
1. Take good care of your skin with natural products such as a good cleanser, a mildly abrasive soap or scrub, and any popular oil-free moisturizing cream. If you haven't already, you should develop a morning and evening skin care routine.
2. Wear sunscreen, even if it is a low SPF that still allows you to get a little color. The sun's rays can cause skin to look older, so it is important to block at least some of them out. To make things simple, you may be able to find a moisturizer that you use in step one that contains sunscreen.
3. Take a vitamin supplement with vitamins C, E, A, K and B complex, and minerals. Many vitamins that are formulated for people who are "active" or "stressed" work well.
4. Exercise has been proven to slow the signs of aging such as wrinkles. It will also make your skin look younger, smoother, and healthier.
5. Your nutrition is vital for skin care and wrinkle reducing, and you should create recipes that are rich in the vitamins mentioned above (C, E, A, K, and B complex). For example, adding Mandarin oranges to your salad adds vitamin C, while carrot shavings that are a part of a chicken recipe add vitamin A.
6. Some "home made" products do work as wrinkle reducers, though you should be careful to make sure that the information is coming from a reputable source. Prevention Magazine, for example, often has information like this.
The above wrinkle reducers are safe and easy to use, and will save you the money you would have spent on highly marked up creams and lotions.
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