10 Great Crafty Ideas
In searching the web for crafty ideas, here is a list of ten great craft ideas for those "Do It Yourself" Enthusiasts!
With so many great,
crafty ideas out there, here are my top ten picks.
- Family Chore Chart- I believe it is important for our kiddos to have responsibilities and to work. It builds character and teaches them that they are not entitled to everything, but that they must do their part in the family unit. We are all a team, and together we can achieve more than mom can on her own! Therefore, the Family Chore Chart is a good idea and comes into play!
- Flip Flop Accessories - I love love love sunshine and flip flops! And we are arriving at flip flop season again! Yeah!
There are a bunch of ways, you can dress your flip flops up! This is also, a fun activity for kids to do at a birthday party, for a friend, or just as a fun activity!
- Grandma Brag Books - For Mother’s Day this year, I made my mother and my mother-in-law Grandma Brag Books. Basically, it’s a small scrapbook that they can carry in their purse, with pictures of their grand babies in it. You know, every grandma loves to show off her precious chillins!
- Modest Barbie - We have a basket of 20+ barbies and my girlies love to change their outfits.
The problem we face, is that we don’t always re-dress the barbies after we strip them of their outfits. We take a dress, put it on another, and….well we leave her Naked (without clothing) until next time we decide to re-dress her. NOW here is the BIGGER problem. There are many moms who don’t appreciate the naked barbie body. In fact, I have friends who will not let their kids play with barbies, just because they may end up naked. Take a permanent marker and color on a modest, 1950's bathing suit. Bam, no more naked barbies!
- Family Rules Sign - Okay, this post starts out with a good idea I had, but a strange request none the less. You know how when you’re sitting on the toilet, you either have something to read, or you look around the restroom at the decor or whatever is in there. Well in my guest/hall/kids restroom, there is a perfect wall for something to hang, directly in front of the ceramic tank. Rather than put a mirror there for obvious reasons, and if you don’t get it, just imagine having a mirror to look at, directly in front of the toilet….haha, it’s not pleasant. So I created a sign that has all sorts of positive messages to read while doing the deed. It's perfect!
- Cherry Blossom Wall - Right now I am super in love with Cherry Blossom trees and having them on my wall. I had two major’s in college, one was Exercise Science (Kinesiology), and the other was ART, so I could totally paint this myself. However, I am in a leased home right now, and painting anything on the wall, isn’t going to fly, but I found a site “My Friend Matilda” where I can actually purchase a cherry blossom tree, in vinyl, for my wall.
- Nail Polish Rack - This is a simple craft idea, but instead of using your spice rack for all of your spices, it makes a perfect nail polish holder. Mount it on the wall to save your bathroom counter or cabinet some room.
- Summer Camps - I compiled a list of summer camps our girls seemed interested in and we are *Parent-Hosting* our own for the girls. This could even be done with cousins or other neighbor kids and parents. Each week of the summer we are doing a different camp. At the completion of each camp, they received a patch to sew on their backpacks.
- Mod Podge Letters - I am not a huge reader, but I like a room that tells a story, and with words, the story is easier to read! I am also super in love with Mod Podge and what it can do with fabric and paper! I used a little bit of scrap paper, some wood letters, and some Mod Podge and made some cute letters to hang above my kids' beds.
- Missionary Trunk - This is one of my favorite ideas that has come out of my head. When I was a young girl, age 12, I was given a cedar chest. It was referred to as a “Hope Chest.”In that Hope Chest, I collected and kept all the things I would one day use when I grew up! Mine was an antique ceder chest that my mother worked tireless hours on refinishing, and it smelled so delicious, and had such amazing detail, common for antiques. I loved it so much and I kept everything I could think of in there. I decided to do that same thing, except instead of a cedar chest, I found an old brass chest to refinish and use to store his "pre-missionary" stuff in.