Digital Photo Tips - 2 Wow Factor Ideas For Better Photos!
If your photos have been a bit less than stunning lately - here are two digital photo tips that can put the "wow" factor back in your photos...
If you're tired of not being able to shoot the kind of stunning,
"WOW" factor photos you know you should be are 2 digital photo tips that will help you out.First... take your camera off the automatic settings.You have to keep in mind that your camera is a machine. It can't think, it can't create, and it can't take your photos to the next level.True, it CAN calculate how much light needs to hit the film or digital sensor, but your camera has no concept of creativity. It will automatically select the most basic combination of shutter speed and aperture - face it, if this could give you amazing photos, EVERYONE would be a professional photographer!It may seem a bit confusing at first, but it really isn't difficult to master the manual settings - and it will open up a whole new creative universe for you.Get out there and experiment. Look at the camera's suggested settings to get an idea of where the correct exposure is, then experiment with other combinations!Speed up your shutter speed by one stop and see what happens! Remember to open your aperture one stop to compensate.Slow down your shutter one stop and close down your aperture one stop. How did it change?With experiments along these lines, it won't take long to totally master the technical aspects of exposure settings and you'll learn a whole lot about the creative aspects involved in changing these settings.Second...Start experimenting with the creative aspects.Experiment with different kinds of light. Try the sun at various times of day, experiment with your on camera flash, experiment with household lights, try using a flashlight, take a night shot with your car headlights as the only light source!Then, go to the local library or bookstore and check out the books on posing. Examine how they work with feet, hands, the tilt of the head, the camera angle and so on.Which direction is the model facing? How are their shoulders positioned? Are their hips in line with the shoulders?Make a note of ONE posing idea and go practice it until it becomes second nature then add another.It may seem like a long and drawn out process, but you'll be surprised at how quickly you start to see stunning results in your photography. Use these 2 digital photo tips and you'll not only have a great time experimenting, but before long, people will start coming to YOU for digital photo tips!