Do you feel the pressing need to finally take the plunge and get that new digital camera? Good news! Digital cameras have come a long way in the past couple of years. You now have plenty of choices, including digital SLR models formerly thought of as "pro" cameras. Find out what cameras fill the bill.
Do you feel the pressing need to finally take the plunge and get that new digital camera? Perhaps you have been toying with the idea for quite awhile because of all the great photos you have been seeing on your friends' Flickr or Facebook pages. They are even uploading video,

and you feel the need, no, the passion to do the same.
Good news!
Digital cameras have come a long way in the past couple of years. You now have plenty of choices. But, wait, that's the exact problem. Which camera do you choose? Is a simple point and shoot camera the best choice, or do I need one of the more advanced compact cameras, or maybe even a digital SLR?
Let's assume you feel the desire to get something more than the cheapest camera you can pick up at your local Best Buy.
Things to consider about your digital camera purchase:
1. What will you be taking pictures of?
Will you be taking snapshots of random photo opportunities, or are you planning a vacation to the vacation spot of your dreams? Random photo snapshots would require you to have the camera with you in a pocket or purse. That way, when the special moment occurs, you are ready with your trusty little camera. Solution - a good compact digital camera with in-camera processing modes so that you can just push the shutter button and get the perfect shot.
Traveling to a special vacation spot is different. You will want a camera that has super image quality and excellent zoom range. You may end up framing some of the photos. In this case, an advanced compact or even a digital SLR with a super-zoom lens will fit the bill.
Of course there are other situations, such as wildlife and sports events that may be the focus of your picture taking sessions. Again, these don't require a more advanced camera, but you will certainly be less frustrated if that is what you choose.
2. Where will you use these photos?
This is pretty simple. If all you want to do is put the photos on your computer and upload them to your favorite site, like Facebook, then a simple camera will suffice. However, if you plan to do any photo editing and print those pictures, the advanced cameras are your best choice.
3. How much do you want the camera to do vs your involvement in the process?
Some digital compacts have a choice between allowing the camera to make all the adjustments and allowing the photographer to make adjustments. If you want to become more of a "photographer" where you actually know how to use the controls for things like aperture, shutter speed and ISO, you will need a more advanced camera.
Search for "
digital slr cameras" using your Internet resources before going to a retail store. That way you will know what to look for when you get there.
The surprise is that many of them cost less than $600, and, as you know, there are some point and shoot cameras that cost that much. So why not take a step of faith and "go for the ring?"