How To Appraise Antique Plates
Antiques can be very valuable - but only if you have the right pieces. Learn how to have your antiques appraised to know what they are worth.
There are several individuals who will acquire an antique plate or teapot from family members. There are others who might stumble upon what they think could be an antique while at a garage sale. If you believe what you have is worth something than you must have it appraised.To understand the precise price of the piece you have to bring it to a professional who will analyze it for a few days. Still,

there are things that you are able to do to help you find out if this is even needed. You don’t want to spend a hundred dollars on somebody if the piece is nothing more than a replica.The value of an antique is based upon who made it, what time period it was constructed in, the design, and if it is broken at all. Purchase an identification guide book. This is a large book that will have information and photographs on a assortment of antiques that are from around the world. Attempt to find a picture of what you own or something similar to it.If you are not able to discover the exact piece than endeavor to search for the maker's mark. This mark is usually situated on the bottom of every piece. It may be a signature or a design. Utilize this mark as a reference to find out who constructed the piece and the time period. Beside the manufacturer’s mark you should look for a date. This could tell you easily if it is a replica or not.You have to check the piece carefully for any chips, fissures, discoloration, or other spots. Use a magnifying glass to get a closer look at it and make sure to record what you find. If you decide to have your antique appraised you need to give any information you have.