Manet and the Impressionists
Discover the art of Edouard Manet, a significant impressionist painter from France.
Where does
Edouard Manet sit within the impressionists? This article will look deeply at the impact that his career made and also touch on the other achievements made by the impressionists as a whole who continue to be highly respected all around the world.
Impressionist exhibitions also are amongst the best attended art events and the likes of Claude Monet and Edgar Degas continue to match Manet for worldwide interest and academic respect.
We find that Manet was ambitious and his career perhaps a little more varied than some others within the impressionists group. You will find from the list of highlights included in his article that Edouard Manet consistently approached new content types for his work and would never settle just for one genre that proved successful enough for him to rest in a comfort zone for the rest of his career.
It is fair to aim that at some other impressionists would perhaps stuck with landscape painting rather unambitiously,

though it must be said that the quality of their work may still have been exceptional.
Manet created Olympia during his finest hour along with some other notable classics like The Fifer which itself was a full length portrait. Olympia was a bold work in many ways, not least the content which depicted a naked woman lying beside her servant in a view which some people found offensive and provocative back in the 19th century when Manet first produced it.
French art has always had a history of achievement and also a strong sense of innovation over the past 200 years where for an extended period it had taken the mantle from Italian and Dutch art as leading the way at that time.
We can easily summarise Manet's career by stating that Olympia was just one of a number of bold and forward thinking paintings which help to underline the innovation found with in the French impressionists are movement generally. His career is well worth further study when you next get the opportunity and you can also see more of his paintings in galleries found in several online galleries as well as frequent exhibitions which actually offer his originals up.
There are also excellent reproductions available of the artist's originals online and a growing number of companies are now offering these services. Even if you are not interested in buying any of the art prints, posters and stretched canvases, the galleries are still really good ways to browse through the artist's key highlights.