MapleStory Game First Job Training
For detailed information about what each skill does, refer to Skills. For detailed information about how to allocate skill and ability points, refer to Builds,in First job:maplestroy magician.
After you reach level 20 or so,

Perion (which is ironically the Warrior's town) is a relatively good place to train, since the monsters, which are mostly stumps and their variants, have low magical defense and slow, good for magicians. The Kerning Party Quest is additionally a popular way to level, although it is recommended to be around level 24+ to have a higher chance of being selected for this PQ.(
cheap maplestory mesos)Level 8-13Slimes and stumps at the map south of Ellinia will work wonders with your exp. Slime Tree is a great option because of the spawn rate of the monsters. You should have Energy Bolt handy in case a mob comes by. Never go to the tops of some of the maps or use the portals there, as higher level monsters will quickly kill you. Alternatives include the Henesys Hunting Ground and the Thicket Around the Beach II where you can safely attack enemies with Energy Bolt. You may want to consider going to Amoria, as the first map with monsters on it has orange mushrooms.Level 14-20At level 13 with Improving Max MP Increase maxed and new armor and weapon choices, the octopi at Kerning can be added to the hunting list. If you stay on the ramp and use magic claw, then its magic defense won't really matter. At level 20, with Magic Claw (MAX), one can handle green mushrooms, horny mushrooms, and maybe even dark axe stumps effectively. You can go to mushroom forest in Zipangu and go crazy on the mushrooms there. Pig beach is also an effective area to hunt. When nearing level 20 (with Magic Claw nearly maxed or maxed), Fireboars in the Burning Zone can be effectively dealt with when using a ledge in the Burning Zone II. Fireboars give 120 EXP, but give only 60 when you take even a little bit too long to kill it. Make sure you have plenty of MP and HP potions, because Fireboars do 80 damage, which you should be able to avoid when using the ledge properly. The MP potions are needed because it takes more than 100 MP to kill a fireboar with 5 in Max MP Recovery.Level 21-30At level 21, Kerning Party Quest is available. Since first jobs all have minimal damage until just before second job, you should have equal chances of getting invited. If you get bored of the First Accompaniment, you can try the Ariant Colosseum, available in versions with Ariant (available in KoreaMS, JapanMS, ChinaMS, TaiwanMS, ThailandMS, MapleSEA, GlobalMS). You can continue to train on green and horny mushrooms, or you can go and destroy jr. Sentinels in Orbis Tower (b using the off-land sniping spots you can stay out of their reach). There is great money and good experience if you start at an early level. In GMS, you can go to Ariant and hunt the nearby cactus, as each of them give 47 EXP! At level 27, hunting kill green trixters is a great way to save on pots, as you won't take damage from these vertically moving targets. From level 28 to 30, go crazy on teddies (normal) in Ludibrium Tower or flower fishes in Aqua Road. Remember that there is Mini Dungeon: Cave Where Mushrooms Grow (or Ant Cave 1, if your MS version doesn't have the Minidungeons and you want to hunt horny or undead mushrooms) where you can hunt safely from the side platforms.Training Methods(maplestory mesos)When training you use one of two methods: Meso Training or EXP Training. Meso training is when you kill only one shot monsters for more exp then if you were to double it and compare it with a monster that takes 2 shots. For example, a horned mushroom gives you 35 EXP and a Zombie Mushroom gives you roughly 42 EXP. It usually takes a low level magician to kill it in 2 shots. But if you were going to kill 2 horned mushrooms then it would 70 EXP. Thus, giving you more exp for less magic points but it taking a bit longer to level up. It's also called meso training because you save mesos in the long-run so it's a good way for saving up. The other one is a bit of a rushing method. It's very simple. You just train on any 1 or 2 shot monsters killing as many as you can at a given time ignoring your magic points. It is a useful way for leveling quickly.