Ocean Kayaks - A Buying Guide
Ocean kayaks are a fantastic way to give you freedom and fun find out more about ocean kayaks and where to find the best prices.
Ocean kayaks are tremendous fun and as long as you are near to the sea you will have no problem learning how to do it. Ocean kayaks are different to river kayaks in so much as they are longer than the river kayak and are designed so that you can paddle over long distances. They also need to have far more room in them in order to carry gear an equipment.When choosing ocean kayaks it is advisable to have tried the sport in advance,

most people who take up ocean kayaking have experienced it whilst on vacation or college, however there are usually clubs or hire centers which will rent you a kayak by the hour.Buying Ocean KayaksSo you have looked on the internet and thumbed through catalogs, what is the next step? It is always preferable to physically see the kayak as this gives you a much better feeling of size and weight, so if there is a kayak store near to you go along there an talk to the sales person, write a list of questions or even make a mental note of what you need to know and generally quiz him about ocean kayaking.The other benefit of being able to visit a store is that you can sit in the kayak and get a feel of volume and what ocean kayaking could feel like. Things to look out for are strength and robustness, look for a strong plastic kayak as there will be times when you will have to haul it over rocks and sharp pebbles. You need to feel comfortable in it as there may be times when you ill be sitting in it for long periods so make sure there is room to stow gear for your trip.Solo Or Tandem Ocean KayaksDepending on your preferences you have a choice whether to go for a one man kayak or a tandem kayak. There are many families who just strap their tandem ocean kayak to the roof of the van and head for the beach. It can be great fun to share the paddling with a partner, so be sure to check out the range of tandems before making your final decision.Where To Buy Ocean kayaksOnce you have made up your mind which kayak to buy there are many places to purchase them' you could start with the shop which gave you valuable advice, however if you are on a budget you need to compare as many buying options as possible. Some of the more specialized boats can be expensive - so look for interest free credit.If you have the cash and it is burning a hole in your pocket the best bargains are usually online, simply enter you requirements i.e. "ocean kayak" into he search engine and refine the results as you go. The chances are that you may even be able to pick up a cheap used ocean kayak on auction sites or classifieds like US free ads.Which ever route you take for purchasing one of the many ocean kayaks on the market, once you own it you will have it for years to come and should you tire of it they sell well on the second hand market.