While including bare skin in portrait photography may look nice and even be trendy, it's best to avoid it. Here's why...
In previous articles,

we've talked about including bare skin in our head and shoulder portrait photography - and how it draws the viewer's eye away from the face… (That's a bad thing!) Today's tip is a continuation of that subject, but we are expanding it into three - quarter and full length photo portraits.
Even in full length portrait photography, the face is the key and ALL elements of the portrait should be focused on getting the viewer's eye onto the face and keeping it there!
So, let's talk about skin and the clothing that shows it. Actually, I have 2 skin/clothing tips for you.
First...Stay away from bare stomachs!
In a previous tip we discussed how we should avoid showing bare arms and necklines because all that skin draws the eye away from the face.
That is true whether we are shooting in head and shoulders poses or full body. Keep away from skin to keep attention on the face.
When shooting in full body poses we have numerous opportunities to break the no skin rule.
There are not only bare arms and necklines, now we have bare midriffs and legs.
While bare midriffs can be very appealing and sexy - and I like looking at pretty, sexy girls as much as the next guy - in photo portraits they can ruin an otherwise award winning shot.
Keep the viewer's eye on the face!
Not to mention that styles change and in a few years that bare midriff photo may not be as appealing as it once was.
Remember the "big" hair days?
Second... Shorts.
Like any other skin, shorts will draw the viewer's eye off the face and onto the legs.
Again, I like looking at shapely, bare legs, but that's what the beach is for. Your portrait photography has to be focused on the face. That's what portraits are for.
And guys... there's a reason why all the skin care products and leg shaving commercials are aimed at women! No one is buying magazines to look at men's legs!
If you are having a casual day and want to wear shorts, that's fine. But if you are having a portrait done, it will be around and looked at for decades - put on some pants!
Side note: Just last week I saw one of those morning talk shows where they were discussing a company that has just launched a new line of panty hose. FOR MEN!
To me, this is taking the "metro-sexual" thing too far! Any bets on how long they stay in business?
Back to bare skin...
Yes, I admit that I like bare skin and it may even look nice in photos. But, if you NOTICE that it looks nice, your portrait has failed!
You should be looking at their faces. BTW - in addition to single portraits, these tips apply to groups too!
The project for this tip is to - as always - grab your camera and do some portraits. But in addition to that, sit down with your "model(s)" and advise them on their clothing choices.
The very act of doing that will impress them and elevate your stature tremendously! No one else - even most professionals - have EVER counseled them on what to wear!
You will start winning photo contests and will quickly become the "go to" photographer when your friends or family want portrait photography. For more information, check out the resource box below!