Did you just experience the PS3 flashing red light error the last time that you played a game on your PS3? Don't think for a moment that you are the first gamer to have had that PS3 flashing red light experience. Here is your step by step professional PS3 Yellow Red Light Fix guide.
Did you just experience the PS3 flashing red light error the last time that you played a game on your PS3? Don't think for a moment that you are the first gamer to have had that PS3 flashing red light experience. Many have, and they have found a way to fix the problem and get their PS3 system back into the game. Read on for help on how to resolve your personal dilemma.
Your options for a good PS3 flashing red light fix are limited to three: send it off to the manufacturer's service center, take it to a local repair service, or fix it yourself. Let's discuss each option.
Send Your PS3 Back to Sony for Repairs
If you're not the handy type, and don't plan to become handy, you could send the system off to a Sony service center for repairs. If anyone can fix the PS3 flashing red light problem, it should be the company that designed and built the game console. If you're under warranty, cost won't be a factor, but packaging, shipping, and waiting for up to two months, could be in your immediate future. If your system is no longer under warranty, be prepared to spend about $150 for the repair service. Even though this method will get your PlayStation 3 repaired, it does not guarantee that a similar problem might not develop in the future. How many times are you willing to spend $150 to fix your PS3?
Take Your PS3 to a Local Repair Service
This repair option is similar to sending the PS3 system off to Sony, except that the repair center is local and the wait time should be much less. You can still expect to pay a heavy cost for the service, more perhaps than would have been charged by the Sony service center. Also, unlike the Sony service policy, the local repair service is under no obligation to replace your system with a refurbished one if their PS3 red flashing light fix does not solve the problem.
Fix the Problem Yourself
Making the PS3 red flashing light fix yourself is the cheapest and fastest way to have the unit repaired. It's possibly also the most frightening to the PS3 owner. Are you up to it? You don't have to be an electronics technician. With the right information by your side and a little patience, you can effect a number of repairs to common PS3 errors, and you can do it at no cost right in your own home. The secret to your upcoming success is acquiring a good PS3 repair guide.
Go online a search for a guide called "PS3 Flashing Red Light Repair Guide." This guide is excellent. It provides you with step-by-step instructions supported by videos and pictures. If you follow the instructions, you simply can't go wrong. Try it. You'll find that it's simply ridiculous to spend $150 or more to repair your PS3, when you can do the work yourself at no cost to you and with little gaming time wasted. All you need to fix your PS3 flashing red light problem and many others is the repair guide and a little time, usually less than one hour for a common PS3 error fix.
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