The Famous Nighthawks Print

Dec 25


Tom Gurney

Tom Gurney

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Read all about the Nighthawks painting by Edward Hopper.


Nighthawks is one of the most popular paintings in American art and has even been parodied in modern media on several occasions,The Famous Nighthawks Print Articles including in the hit TV series, The Simpsons. Nighthawks features a bar scene set with in an overall cityscape that actually throws all the attention at the bar, giving the viewer a curious interest in the characters sat around inside it. Edward Hopper was the artist who created this brilliant work and he carried on this style throughout most of his career, never really experimenting too much once he had settled upon a method which he enjoyed and was also proving popular with mainstream art fans.

There is a certain suspicion that you might feel around the behaviour of the people in the bar and there may have been messages from the artist sent through the inclusion of each of them, though this still remains relatively unclear and that adds to the mystery. In most other paintings Edward Hopper would focus on a single character but here there are several which is about the only break from the norm that Nighthawks represents when compared to other prints and paintings from his career.

Edward Hopper produced paintings which leave the viewer relaxed and under no illusions as to the key focus of each work, which would look directly into the personal lives of different characters who you would naturally feel some interest in. The artist seemed generally interested in other people and would offer his viewers the same opportunity to dwell on their lives just as he would have done as he created each of these fine paintings. It is pleasing to see an artist who was so interested in personal lives and depicting them in his work and would also only go for relatively common people rather than the rich and famous like so many other artists have historically done.

We hope that you appreciate the Nighthawks painting and even consider buying it as a print like so many others have done across America and the rest of the world. For those brought into the career of Edward Hopper through this painting, please take the time to see the other fine works from across his career which retain a similar style so you are highly likely to enjoy those as well. Paintings such as Gas are considered by many to be just as good as Nighthawks and only lag behind in terms of fame.