The Sims 3 Reviews
According to the info we received, in the latest sequel of The Sims 3 are you still going to keep doing the same activities that create new characters, design a house according to your wishes and control your character to perform daily activities. And now, you not only can you explore the house, but you also can explore the area around you and also the city at will without you you need to pass the load screen as in the preceding series.
The graph on The Sims 3 is also experiencing growth. When first using 2D graphics,

the graphics are now used has been converted into 3D. And the result is quite impressive. Playing experience becomes more real and exciting with the presence of everything in The Sims 3 is a versatile 3D.
Although the game The Sims is categorized as one of the most successful game franchises in PC, The Sims 3 this feels like a secret project. EA itself has been working on this series of The Sims 3 for 4 years. And during that time, not even the EA revealed about this game.
Simply glance info about your background and summary on The Sims 3. Now from gameplaynya, the first thing that ought to be considered is the creation of your own sim. This time, the choice of create-a-sim has a depiction of a cleaner and also has some new options that you will not find in previous series, but for veterans of The Sims would be familiar. You will determine the sex and age, do customization on some things like face, style and color of hair, clothes and so on. This time, you will have more freedom than ever before. Now you can set the color of your hair, giving highlights on the hair and similar matters. You can also adjust your weight to look muscular. But for the height is still limited. The given age range of infants, toddlers, children, adolescents, adults to the elderly. Character will experience aging as the game. So there are babies who will grow up, grow old and die following the life cycle. But it will be an option to set the character's longevity. Period of life the longest is 1000 days.
Besides the characters, you will also be able to organize and create a model dress, model and even the texture of the clothes. You will be able to save the results of these creations and you can share your work with others. Beyond that, the main point in all of these changes is the loss of slider messy / meat and also added some personality you can choose from. For one character, you can choose a maximum of five personality and will be automatically adjusted to the behavior of the character later. Lots of extra personality that you will be able to choose such as cruel, brave, coach potato, hopeless, perfectionist and a great cook. Everything you can choose as you please. But remember that the choice of your personality will later have an enormous influence in the life of your character.