Any cigar smoker has seen a wide variety of cigar styles and sizes, whether they have first-hand experience or have simply peeked into the window of a tobacco shop.
Size and style of cigar greatly determine what kind of smoking experience you will have. As an example, taste will be one factor determined by the style and size of your cigar as will the smoke temperature that results as you draw and puff the cigar. Have a little knowledge regarding the variety of styles and sizes of cigars can greatly enhance the experience you have a cigar smoker.
Style Variations
Cylindrical - The most common cigar style is the cylindrical tube. These are usually the easiest to make and provide even airflow through the cigar's body. The cap on these is usually rounded. Most cigar manufacturers offer this style of cigar.
Torpedo - The torpedo is the second cigar style type and are less common than cylindrical cigars. Thanks to the tapered end, they provide a more direct flow of air through the cigar body. The shape of the torpedo utilizes a funnel end that is generally located at the cap (the head), although some cigar makers place it at the lit end (foot).
Variations in Sizes
Knowing about how the size of a cigar affects the smoking experience can be very useful to know. The size of the cigar selected will determine several factors in regards to the experience of the cigar.
Length - Simply because they generally provide a cooler smoke and are somewhat milder, longer cigars are preferred by many. Unlike shorter cigars, longer cigars often lack harshness and are usually smoother tasting.
Diameter - Ring gauge (diameter) of a cigar also plays a determining factor. This cigars generally have harsher smoke and will burn at a faster rate. However, a cigar that is wider will generally burn more slowly and will provide a smoother smoking experience.
One thing to keep in mind before you determine what style and size of cigar to light up, is that fatter cigars generally cost a bit more money. Obviously, it requires more tobacco and materials to create the cigar. Essentially, you are paying more money because you are getting more cigar.
How To Use Humidification Beads In Your Cigar Humidor
What can beads do for your cigars? What is meant by the term "beads" when it comes to humidification? This type of system uses beads for moisture release, and this relatively simple process keeps these items cheap. The buffer effect that results from bead humidification is an effective alternative to costly electrical systems.How Long Can I Keep A Cigar In A Storage Tube Or Case?
Let's say you want to store some quality cigars over a period of time. Can you store a cigar? How long does it stay good? Where do you begin? It really depends on your primary method of storage. If you have a cigar humidor that is airtight and properly humidified then your cigars can last forever. Even today, some cigars from the pre-WWII era have been smoked and enjoyed.What Can I Use To Humidify My Humidor?
What is a humidor and how does it relate to humidification of cigars? A humidor is simply a cigar box or a room that stores cigars. The room must have high humidity at all times. Such an area can keep all types of tobacco products safe and in good condition. Wood is a common material for constructing a cigar humidor. Humidor rooms may encompass an entire room or even the first floor of a house.