Does the color of rainbow loom bands that you put into your creations say something about you? Researchers have tested color psychology, we have compiled a list of the most common color loom bands and their meanings.
Do the colors of loom bands that you use in your projects and wear say something about your personality? People choose colors to wear for various reasons. Girls may select rainbow loom band colors because it is their favorite color or possibly because it matches their clothes, while boys might select a color because it is in the jersey of their favorite sports athlete or superhero. Researchers have tested color psychology and based on their tests, we have created a list of the most popular color loom bands and their suggested meanings.
White - Pureness, Goodness, Innocence and Kindness
Pink - Courage, Power and Strength (or a lighter version of the meanings of Red)
Red - Friendship, Passion, Desire, Love and Trust
Orange - Energy, Compassion, Health, Happiness and Warmth
Yellow - Confidence, Optimism, Hope and Strength
Light Green - Earthiness, Nature, Playfulness and Youthfulness
Green - Boldness, Growth, Harmony, Fertility, Cheerfulness and Energy
Light Blue - Calmness, Clarity and Openness
Blue - Loyalty, Idealism, Healing and Protection
Dark Blue - Inspiration, Sincerity and Spirituality
Purple - Royalty, Creativity, Magic and Wisdom
Gray - Intelligence, Security and Reliability
Black - Strength, Authority, Elegance, Mystery and Power
Brown - Stability, Reliability, Dependability, Wholesomeness and Friendliness
I am sure that it requires more than one color to describe you, in fact, it probably is a large combination of colors that accurately represents everyone. In fact, I can accurately state that my personality switches with my mood, my physical location (meaning I am happier on vacation than at school) or the people that I am around. To most accurately portray my personality, it may take an entire rainbow of loom band colors.
My 9 year old son has taken the color meanings and made rainbow loom band crafts using many combinations of colors. These make really neat gifts as the present is not just the time put into making the craft but also the thought and meaning behind the color choices. As an example, My son has a boy that is a best friend to him and so he weaved bracelet using the colors Black and Red because he wanted to express that they were best friends and they have a powerful friendship.
So perhaps your favorite colors are blue and green, or maybe you want to express that you are feeling reliable and creative, either way have fun and start crafting with these color meanings and show them off with loom bands creations.
Projects To Undertake With Your Son Or Daughter With The Help Of Loom Bands
A lot of moms and dads want to do arts and crafts together with their young children but sometimes are unsure where to start.How You Can Get The Most Out Of Your Loom Bands
Loom bands happen to be a sort of craft that many people appreciate utilizing because there's a lot that you are able to do with them.