Even the most experienced cigar enthusiasts will have to deal with a loose wrapper from time to time.
In some cases, the wrapper will come loose after a cigar is relit since the end of the cigar may dry out some or will have to be trimmed again. Novice smokers often make the mistake of cutting too much of the cigar cap off, which may also result in a loosened wrapper. Whatever the cause behind an unraveling wrapper, there are steps that you can take to fix the problem.
To bind the wrapper back onto the cigar, you will need to use a suitable adhesive. What is the best way to glue a cigar wrapper that has come loose? Most cigar smokers find that pectin is the best glue source to use. Pectin is the same gelling ingredient used in such food items as jellies or jams. As such, it can be easily found at your grocery store.
Simply add water to the pectin powder in order to form a gel-like substance. It is important to only add a small amount of water at a time so that the mixture doesn’t become too watery. Dab a small amount on your fingertip and then apply the gel to the edges of the wrapper area that has become loose. Next, smooth the pectin against the cigar to effectively bind the wrapper. The great thing about using pectin is that you won’t have to wait for it to dry. It binds immediately allowing you to smoke your stogie right away.
Of course, it is best to practice good habits when it comes to caring for your cigars so that you won’t have to deal with fixing the wrappers often. For instance, take the time to learn how to cut your stogies correctly as this can make a big difference in how the wrapper holds up while you are smoking. Use a quality cutting device such as cigar scissors or a guillotine cutter. Make sure that the cutting edge is sharp and that you don’t cut off too much of the cigar head.
It is also important to store your smokes correctly. Too much or too little humidity will compromise the overall quality of the cigars, which can cause the outer leaf to unravel or crack. Using a quality humidor and then cutting your smokes using proper technique will increase the chances that your cigars will remain intact.