Xbox 360 Troubleshooting Techniques

Mar 18


Jack Bush

Jack Bush

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Microsoft Xbox 360 troubleshooting experts say that when you see the three red lights glowing, unplug your Xbox console and plug it in again. Read the Game Copy wizard Review for more...


Frightening though it may sound,Xbox 360 Troubleshooting Techniques Articles it does happen every once in a while. The Microsoft Xbox 360 simply stops working. It goes dead in the water without any warning from some sort of hardware failure. It's really not that unusual. It is estimated that close to 30 percent of all Xboxes sold since they first came on the market in 2005, have experienced some type of general hardware problems. A little Xbox 360 troubleshooting usually shows that they're not a serious problem, probably the result of overheating from too much enthusiastic play for too long a session.

Microsoft is aware of the problem and gives advice to Xbox 360 owners on what typically will resolve most problems. Microsoft Xbox 360 troubleshooting experts say that when you see the three red lights glowing, unplug your Xbox console and plug it in again. Do this until you see a green light and see that your Xbox 360 is properly rebooted. If this solves the problem, you're back in business. Sometimes, just shutting the system down for a while to let it cool off is enough. If the system continues to freeze up, however, you may need to become a little more aggressive about repairs.

At this point, Xbox 360 owners usually run out of good ideas troubleshooting for Xbox 360 problems, and resort to an Internet search looking for a solution to their red lights difficulties. There are a number of ideas, some good and some, like the towel idea, that are simply ridiculous. Check first with the Microsoft Xbox 360 troubleshooting experts on their website. They may be offering a software update that fixes a common problem. Simply download and install the update. Microsoft is pretty good about keeping the Xbox 360 systems running well. After all, it is in their interest to have happy customers. When they find a common problem, their software upgrades are usually the cure.

If your problem is more serious, and the software update doesn't fix it, you may need to send the unit back to Microsoft for repairs. Unfortunately this will remove the Xbox system from your home for as long as 6 weeks, but what choices do you have unless you're an electronics technician. If your system is still under the manufacturer's warranty, at least the cost of Xbox 360 troubleshooting and repair will be absorbed by Microsoft. There is a history of problems with the intercooler arrangement and the not-quite-adequate heat sinks used. If it's under warranty, Microsoft will fix your Xbox 360.

If you're lucky, the first advice of unplugging and plugging in the system may fix the problem by letting the system cool off. If not, you have to make a choice, make the necessary repairs or get a new Xbox 360 system. If your system is no longer under warranty, you may be out as much as $140 to pay for shipping and repairs. Hey, it happens!