Your own rc helicopter at home

Dec 26




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To those who we like to build rc helicopter models, the time to analyze it, is today! Do not wait until you are almost stuck in construction, look at the horn in the cockpit and begin with your own design.


In order to build your own rc helicopter,Your own rc helicopter at home Articles or any part, you need specific materials. Make sure you make it of a sturdy element like a wooden box. You can find timber boxes of various sizes and suitable for this task. We just have to be careful that this well sealed. In my case I got a 38cm long by 29cm wide by 15 high. Around the inside perimeter glue the wood stick with a strip of ¾-inch pine to hold the top of our machine.

In the same timber that I bought the box, I sold a kind of plywood with holes, about 30x40 cm sufficient to allow an extra few inches of the box. Before putting the rc helicopter lid with holes, you have to make a hole in one side of the box; the hole should be large enough so that it locks the height of our aspirations. This timber must be performed to make holes; this will allow fastening the top of the box with screws.

Then, you must build two frames, to hold a sheet of high impact, which will shape our cowl, cabin or decoration of our model. The rc helicopter frame is made in ¾ pine bar and barely larger than the perforated lid. We must take into account the extent of the frame cannot be too large if not, we enter into the oven, and we cannot soften the picture. The two frames holding sheets through bolts and a butterfly to make it easier to remove and put the leaves. Once you have everything ready it's time to try it!

Holding a sheet of high impact i.e., 0.5 mm between the two frames, then tighten all butterflies, turn the oven, we make an average temperature, we introduce the framework, we leave the door open to see that nothing catches fire !. We will see that the material starts to stretch, re-enter and re-stretch, that's the point we seek to make our piece.

While leaving the rc helicopter frame in the oven, connect the vacuum to the opening of the box, turn on the vacuum, put the matrix on the lid with holes, and a pair of gloves in a fast cooking remove from oven the framework, we match the frame with the top of the box, and as they are covering the holes, it begins to copy itself to the sheet of high impact form of the matrix. A few seconds after the sheet is cooled can be separated from the mold.