9 Critical Tips For Managing Your Home Based Business
Now that you have decided to start your own home based business, how are you going to manage your home business or work. Project management is a very important skill for the home based business entrepreneur. Yet, most if...
Now that you have decided to start your own home based business,

how are you going to manage your home business or work. Project management is a very important skill for the home based business entrepreneur. Yet, most if not all home business entrepreneurs are untrained project managers, managing a business. Think about how cool that is. My advice to you is if you’re managing a home based business, it would be a very good idea to build up your time and project management skills. Here are some of the many guidelines that you need to follow in order for your home based business to be successful:1. You should plan your routine. In order to have a real business you must have a vision and create a strategy to achieve that vision. And if you do this you’ll get better execution of your efforts and see better results.2. Stop going around collecting tactics or secrets and only buy products and services that will support your strategy in achieving your vision.3. Remember that you're your own boss: This means the responsibility of ensuring it success rely soly on you. The very boss in your regular job does a lot of work for you. Be it project management, disciplining or producing the necessary motivation for the required results. Now your run your own business, therefore, you must Study and use project management methodologies to grow your business.4. Always remember to build your home based business around scalability and leverage.5. Study and understand how to outsource and build a network of relationships, so that you get access to talented freelancers whenever you need them.6. Use Process Mapping:Process mapping is one of the best ways to document the way work should be done and how it interrelates to other activities in your work at home business. When you start using process mapping, it'll be really easy to see why your current way of doing an activity is more productive. Process map makes it easier to understand the interactions, flow, sub-process and activities that constraint your performance.7. To manage your time working efficiently on your home based business, you have to delegate what hours are for productive work and non-productive work. Explain to family — especially children — that you aren't choosing work over spending time with them, but that you have to work during work hours.8. Productive Time is when you directly work on your bottom line that is generating income. It is time spent creating products, market products or website, improving your marketing process, managing money making projects, and creating scalability in your home based business.9. Non-Productive Time is activities that distraction you from doing productive work.Here are some examples of non-productive are: surfing the Internet, checking and reading email, answering your phone, studying and learning time, checking Web site stats, organizing your desk, and cleaning your office. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't spend any time on these activities. You need to spend time learning, and you do need to talk to your friends. I'm just pointing it out so you won't confuse that with earnings. Remember the saying that Knowledge is power, but it has no worth to your home based business unless it’s implemented and acted upon.If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your income while reducing your stress and work hours.